Runaway Robot Found in Lake Erie (2/2)

Runaway Robot Found in Lake Erie (2/2)

Our first attempt to retrieve the harmful algae and toxin tracker – ESPNiagara – from Lake Erie was unsuccessful. Somehow the ESP had slipped from the cable and was left on the bottom of Lake Erie. But with the help of some extra equipment and underwater cameras our ESP was recovered! Thank you Paula Tutman and WDIV Local 4 Detroit for a great story and interviews!

Great Lakes Underwater Mission (1/2)

Great Lakes Underwater Mission (1/2)

Scientists from CIGLR and the NOAA Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory use an ‘underwater robot’ called the ESPNiagara to monitor harmful algae and toxins in Lake Erie. Here, Paula Tutman from WDIV Local 4 Detroit follows us as we attempt to retrieve the ESP from Lake Erie for routine maintenance. However, we were left staring at an empty cable and no ESP…