

Guo, T. 2019. How to integrate social science into NOAA GLERL’s science enterprise. Talk given at NOAA Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory (GLERL) All-Hands Meeting.

Guo, T. 2019. Hypothesis testing in social science: Results from 2018 Ohio residents harmful algal blooms survey. Talk given at NOAA Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory (GLERL) Brown Bag Series.

Guo, T. 2019. Examining psychological determinants of public support for environmental regulation in the context of agricultural nutrient runoff and harmful algal blooms in Lake Erie. Paper session presented at the 25th International Symposium on Society and Resource Management (ISSRM). June 19-22, 2019. Oshkosh, Wisconsin.

Guo, T. & Leahy, J. 2017. The complex system of sustainable energy supply in local economy transition – A social network analysis of the wood pellet industry in the northeastern US. Paper session presented at the 23rd International Symposium on Society and Resource Management (ISSRM). June 19-22, 2017. Umeå, Sweden.

Guo, T., Leahy, J. & Smith, J.W. 2017. The use of social network analysis to inform parks, protected areas, and cultural sites management: A review of previous research and an illustrative example. Poster session proposal presented at the 19th George Wright Society Conference. April 2-7, 2017. Norfolk, Virginia.

Guo, T., Smith, J.W. & Moore R.L. 2016. A comparison of SAS, STATA, and R in fitting General Linear Mixed Models with implications for contingent behavior experiments in outdoor recreation research. Poster session presented at the 22nd International Symposium on Society and Resource Management (ISSRM), in Houghton, Michigan.

Guo, T., Schultz, C.L. & Moore, R.L. 2016. Juggling multiple expectations: Challenges in preparing doctoral students for the professoriate. Paper session presented at 2016 Academy of Leisure Science Teaching Institute (ALSTI). Greenville, North Carolina.

Schultz, C.L., Moore, A.C., Guo, T. & Moore, R.L. 2016. Examination of reflection as a learning tool in study abroad programs. Paper session presented at 2016 Academy of Leisure Research Science Institute (ALSTI). Greenville, North Carolina.

Guo, T., Schultz, C.L., Floyd, M.F. & Moore, R.L. 2015, September. Non-probability-based sampling and social justice study. Paper session presented at the 50th National Recreation and Park Association Conference (NRPA). Las Vegas, Nevada.

Guo, T., Seekamp, E., Barbieri, C., Moore, R.L., Floyd, M.F., Goode-Vick, C., Whitlow, M. & Colon, K. 2014. Conducting economic impact studies: Lessons learned from the 2013 North Carolina State Parks Project. Paper session presented at 2014 National Outdoor Recreation Conference. San Francisco, California.

Guo, T., Canete, N.S. & Moore, R.L. 2013. Twitter as a research tool: What people tweet about the Appalachian Trail. Paper session presented at the 19th International Symposium on Society and Resource Management (ISSRM). Estes Park Center, Colorado.