Ice Forecasts, Storm Surge Warnings, and Meteotsunamis, Oh My!

Ice Forecasts, Storm Surge Warnings, and Meteotsunamis, Oh My!

Anderson’s research focuses on the interactions between the hydrosphere, cryosphere, and atmosphere, wherein he uses numerical modeling to study Earth’s largest lakes and rivers, extreme storms (meteotsunamis), coastal flooding, lake-effect precipitation, and the impacts on the ecosystem.

Extreme Water Level Effects on Great Lakes Coastal Wetlands

Extreme Water Level Effects on Great Lakes Coastal Wetlands

Olivia Anderson was a 2020-2021 CIGLR Graduate Research Fellow recipient from Central Michigan University (CMU). Anderson, advised by Donald Uzarski, PhD (CMU) and co-mentored by Casey Godwin, PhD (University of Michigan, CIGLR), graduated with a master’s degree in biology focused on Great Lakes wetlands and vegetation. Currently, Anderson is pursuing a PhD at the Swedish University for Agricultural Sciences, where she is developing a decision support tool to help manage ditches in forests across Sweden.