Winter 2020 eNewsletter

Director’s Corner: A Message from CIGLR’S Director, Dr. Bradley Cardinale

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

I typically use this space to write about the spectacular natural resources we have in the Great Lakes, and to highlight the amazing work being done by NOAA, CIGLR, and our U.S. and Canadian partners around the Great Lakes. However, as you and I are both acutely aware right now, even the most important of Earth’s natural resources take a back seat to human health and safety.

The COVID-19 global pandemic has made us keenly aware that our highest priorities are to keep our families, our employees, and ourselves healthy, while doing everything possible to reduce the risk of disease to the public.

My heart goes out to everyone whose life has been altered by the coronavirus – those who have suffered from the disease, who are caring for family members who are suffering, or whose job and income have been affected.

My respect goes out to everyone who stepped up to be leaders in the early stages of the crisis, making quick decisions to protect people and minimize spread of the disease.

My sincere appreciation goes out to health care workers, including my wife Beth who is a medical doctor, as well as others who provide essential services that put themselves at risk each day as they take care of others, many of whom are sick, alone, and scared.

My admiration goes out to all who have adapted to a new normal of multi-tasking from home, managing job responsibilities while taking care of children who are out-of-school, elderly family members who need extra help – all from the make-shift offices, laboratories, and other workspaces set up in the basement of their home.

My thanks go out to those who have found new, creative ways to make the isolation tolerable with online teaching, outreach, and social activities that help keep people connected.

While the Great Lakes are a truly spectacular resource, they are no comparison to the resourceful and resilient people who call the Great Lakes home. I admire how you have handled these difficult and unusual times!

Please stay healthy and happy. I look forward to seeing you in-person in the not so distant future.


Brad Cardinale
Director, Cooperative Institute for Great Lakes Research
Professor, School for Environment and Sustainability
University of Michigan