Experimental Hypoxia Forecast Focus Groups
Date: Spring 2018
Leads: Devin Gill (CIGLR), Mark Rowe (NOAA GLERL)
About: Public water systems in Ohio and Ontario were invited to participate in a focus group to discuss their knowledge, perceptions, and information needs related to hypoxia in Lake Erie. Recommendations were provided for the development of a hypoxia forecast. Subscribe to hypoxia forecast email updates.
Funding: This workshop was supported by NOAA’s Coastal Hypoxia Research Program.
- Applying Natural and Social Science to Co-Produce a Hypoxia Forecast with Public Water Systems, Devin Gill [Presentation]
- This work was presented at the 2018 International Association for Great Lakes Research Conference, University of Toronto – Scarborough
- Hypoxia focus group survey results, Devin Gill [Presentation]
- Hypoxia in Lake Erie: An Overview, Mark Rowe [Presentation]
- Developing a Hypoxia Forecast Model for the Central Basin of Lake Erie, Mark Rowe [Presentation]
- Subscribe to hypoxia forecast email updates