Justin Riley

Postdoctoral Research Fellow

4840 S. State Rd.
Ann Arbor, MI 48108-9719

[email protected]


Justin Riley, PhD, is a CIGLR postdoctoral fellow working with Drs. Dmitry Beletsky and David Cannon on the Lake Ontario Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) Coastal & Inland Flood Inundation Mapping (CIFIM) Project. Prior to working with CIGLR, Riley studied the effects of orographic terrain on extreme weather events like the Madden-Julian Oscillation and the wildfires in the mountains of California.

  • Ph.D., Atmospheric Sciences and Meteorology, North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University, 2023
  • MS, Physics, North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University, 2015
  • BS, Atmospheric Sciences and Meteorology, North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University, 2013
Research Interest/Area of Expertise:
  • Atmospheric Science
  • Meteorology
  • Physics


Riley, J.G. and Y.L. Lin. 2022. Effects of mechanical and thermal forcing on the enhancement and ingredients of orographic rain associated with the 2007-08 Madden-Julian Oscillation passing the New Guinea Highlands. Earth Sci. Res., 11:1. ISSN 1927-0542 E-ISSN 1927-0550. (DOI:10.5539/esr.v11n1p25).

Lin, Y.L., W. Agyakwah, J.G. Riley, H.H. Hsu and  L.C. Jiang. 2020. Orographic effects on the propagation and rainfall of the Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO) 2007-08 over New Guinea Highland. Meteor. and Atmos. Physics (MAAP). (DOI:10.1007/s00703-020-00753-2).


Recent Presentations:

2021 Riley, J.: Observational and Numerical Studies of the Camp Fire (2018) in Northern California