Great Lakes Observing & Forecasting Systems
Great Lakes Heat Budget – Water Budget Connections
Overview and Objectives
This project draws on various GLERL modeling and data resources that have not previously been used in combination. It expands on recent work in the NOAA-GLERL Integrated Physical and Ecological Modeling and Forecasting (IPEMF) Branch on quantifying heat storage in the Great Lakes and connecting this to over-lake evaporation and the general water budget of the lakes. It capitalizes on modeled (e.g., North American Regional Reanalysis (NARR), High-Resolution Rapid Refresh (HRRR), etc.) and observed meteorological datasets, and especially on the more recent advent of eddy covariance-based observations of evaporative and sensible heat fluxes from the Great Lakes Evaporation Network (GLEN). These datasets are used to drive hindcast simulations from the suite of models that exist within the IPEMF Branch. The objective of this project is to use these models to augment the observational dataset with more spatial richness in the information about lake surface heat and moisture fluxes, lake thermal structure, lake effect precipitation, and coastal processes.
Beletsky, D., R.Beletsky, N. Hawley and J. Wang. Seasonal Circulation and Thermal Structure of Lake Erie. 18th Workshop on Physical Processes in Natural Waters, Landau, Germany, August 25-28, 2015.
Beletsky, D., R.Beletsky, N. Hawley and J. Wang. Interannual variability of winter circulation and ice in Lake Erie. IAGLR, May 25-29, 2015, Burlington, VT.
PrincipaI Investigator(s):
Dmitry Beletsky (CILER)
NOAA Technical Lead(s):
Brent Lofgren (NOAA-GLERL)