Take Action

                  Commit to Stand for the Great Lakes
Pledges Signed

The challenges facing our beloved Great Lakes may seem daunting, but there are many things you can do to make a difference! Our everyday actions add up to help ensure the Great Lakes are a sustainable resource for future generations.

Sign our pledge today and let us know how you are helping to keep the Great Lakes great. Choose from the suggestions below or send us your own ideas!                         .

  • Reduce the use of chemicals in and around my home, including fertilizers and pesticides.
  • Reduce my use of single-use plastic items like disposable water bottles and grocery bags, in favor of reusable products.
  • Clean, drain, and dry my boat and equipment to prevent the spread of invasive species.
  • Encourage friends and family to take action to protect the Great Lakes.
  • Contact my elected officials about decisions that impact the Great Lakes.

Sign a pledge to affirm your Great Lakes stewardship

My Great Lakes Pledge
I am committed to doing my part to be a Great Lakes steward. I recognize that every small action that I take to protect the Lakes makes a difference. I pledge to join the millions of people dedicated to keeping the Great Lakes great.

Take Action: Sign a Pledge


CIGLR will never use your information for any other purpose or contact you without your permission.