

Fujisaki-Manome, A., E.J. Anderson, J.A. Kessler, G.A. Lang, J. Wang and P. Chu. 2018. Impacts of Sensible Heat from Precipitation on Ice Cover in Large Lakes, AGU Fall meeting, Washington D.C., December 10th-14th, 2018.

Anderson, E.J., A. Fujisaki-Manome, J.A. Kessler, P. Chu, J.G.W. Kelley, Y. Chen, G.A. Lang and J. Wang. 2018. Ice Forecasting in the Next-Generation Great Lakes Operational Forecast System (GLOFS). ECM15, 2018, 15th Estuarine and Coastal Modeling Conference, Seattle, Wash., June 25-27, (2018).

Chu, P., E.J. Anderson, S. Benjamin, G.E. Mann, A. Fujisaki-Manome and L.E. Fitzpatrick. 2018. Improving lake-effect snow modeling and forecasting in the Great Lakes region. 22nd Annual Severe Weather Symposium sponsored by the Ohio Union at The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, March 9, (2018).

Fitzpatrick, L., A. Fujisaki-Manome, P. Chu, E.J. Anderson and G.E. Mann. 2018. An Annual Comparison of Turbulent Heat Fluxes with Numerical Models across the Great Lakes. IAGLR 2018, 61st Conference on Great Lakes Research, Toronto, ON, Canada, June 18-22 (2018).

Fitzpatrick, L.E., A.F. Fujisaki-Manome, A.D. Gronewold, B.M. Lofgren, E.J. Anderson, P.D. Blanken, C. Spence, J.D. Lenters, U. Charusombat, C. Xiao and G. Cutrell. 2018. Validating Modeled Turbulent Heat Fluxes Across the Great Lakes (poster). Michigan University-wide Sustainability and Environment 2018 Conference, Ann Arbor, Mich., (2018).

Kessler, J.A., A. Fujisaki-Manome, E.J. Anderson, G.A. Lang, J. Wang and P. Chu. 2018. High resolution coupled lake-ice modeling of Lakes Michigan, Huron, Erie American Geophysical Union Ocean Sciences Meeting, Portland, OR, February 11-18, (2018).

Kessler, J.A., A. Fujisaki-Manome, J. Wang and P. Chu. 2018. Improving Seasonal Ice Forecasts Using a Coupled Lake-Ice System. IAGLR 2018, 61st Conference on Great Lakes Research, Toronto, ON, Canada, June 18-22 (2018).

Wang, J., J.A. Kessler, A. Fujisaki-Manome and P. Chu. 2018. Modeling five-lakes ice-lake system. 24th International Workshop on Physical Processes of Natural Waters, Thurnthon, Switzerland, August 20-24, (2018).

Fujisaki-Manome, A., A.D. Gronewold, B.M. Lofgren, E.J. Anderson, L. Fitzpatrick, P. Blanken, C. Spence, J.D. Lenters, C. Xiao and U. Charusombat. 2017. Validating modeled turbulent heat fluxes across large freshwater surfaces, AGU Fall meeting 2017, New Orleans, LA, December 11th-15th, 2017 (poster).

Fujisaki-Manome, A., J. Wang and E.J. Anderson. 2017. Modeled ice thickness in Lake Erie with different parameterizations of the ice strength, JpGU-AGU joint meeting 2017, Makuhari, Chiba, Japan, May 20th-25th, 2017 (poster).

Fujisaki-Manome, A., J. Wang and E.J. Anderson. 2017. Modeled ice thickness in Lake Erie with different parameterizations of the ice strength, Conference of International Association for Great Lakes Research, Detroit, MI, May 15-19, 2017.

Fujisaki-Manome, A. 2016. Reconstructing turbulent heat fluxes over Lake Erie using an unstructured grid model – extreme lake effect snow, FVCOM Users Workshop 2016, Bedford Institute of Oceanography, October 18-20, 2016.

Fujisaki-Manome, A. and J. Wang. 2016. Simulating sea ice in the Arctic Ocean and Eastern Siberian Sea The 23rd International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research (IAHR) International Symposium on Ice, Ann Arbor MI, May 31-June 3, 2016.

Fujisaki-Manome, A. and J. Wang. 2016. Simulating hydrodynamics and ice cover in Lake Erie using an unstructured grid model, 8th International Workshop on Modeling Ocean, Bologna, Italy, June 6-10, 2016.

Fujisaki-Manome, A. and J. Wang. 2016. Simulating hydrodynamics and ice cover in Lake Erie using an unstructured grid model, American Geophysical Union, Ocean Sciences Meeting, New Orleans, LA, February 21-26, 2016. (poster).

Fujisaki-Manome, A., J. Wang and D. Hall. 2015. Ice-hydrodynamic simulation with data assimilation of satellite-derived ice surface temperature, Conference of International Association for Great Lakes Research, Burlington, VT, May 25-29, 2015.

Fujisaki (Manome), A., J. Wang and X. Bai. 2014. Ice-hydrodynamic coupled simulation in Lake Erie with FVCOM, Conference of International Association for Great Lakes Research, Hamilton, ON, May 26-30, 2014.

Fujisaki (Manome), A., J. Wang, X. Bai, G. Leshkevich and B. Lofgren. 2013. Modelsimulated interannual variability of Lake Erie ice cover, circulation, and thermal structure in response to atmospheric forcing, 2003-2012, Conference of International Association for Great Lakes Research, West Lafayette, IN, June 2-6, 2013.

Fujisaki (Manome), A., J. Wang and D. Schwab. 2012. Interannual variability of ice cover, circulation, and thermal structure in Lake Erie from 2003 to 2012, Workshop on Methods of Projecting Hydrologic Impacts of Climate Change, NOAA/GLERL Lake Michigan Field Station, Muskegon, MI, August 27-29, 2012 (poster).

Fujisaki (Manome), A., J. Wang and D. Schwab. 2012. Interannual variability of icecirculation coupled system in Lake Erie, Conference of International Association for Great Lakes Research, Cornwall, Ontario, Canada, May 13-17, 2012.

Fujisaki (Manome), A., H. Mitsudera and M. Wakatsuchi. 2012. Ice-Ocean coupled model with 1 km grids to study the dense shelf water transport in the Sea of Okhotsk, Ocean Sciences Meeting, American Geophysical Union, Salt Lake City, Utah, US, February 20-24, 2012 (poster).

Fujisaki (Manome), A., J. Wang, H. Hu and D. Schwab. 2011. Comparison of ice-ocean models for Lake Erie, Conference of International Association for Great Lakes Research, Duluth, Minnesota, USA, May 30-June 3, 2011.

Fujisaki (Manome), A. and L. Oey. 2010. Generation mechanism of ice bands and their grid size dependence, Western Pacific Geophysical Meeting, American Geophysical Union, Taipei, Taiwan, June 22-25, 2010.

Fujisaki (Manome), A. and L. Oey. 2010. Coupled response to wind on small-scale ice and ocean features; How are ice-bands formed?, Ocean Sciences Meeting, American Geophysical Union, Portland, Oregon, US, February 22-26, 2010. (poster).

Fujisaki (Manome), A., H. Yamaguchi and H. Mitsudera. 2009. Investigation of ice-ocean coupled system in the Sea of Okhotsk using a numerical model, Proc. International Workshop on Modeling the Ocean: Dynamics, Systheses and Prediction, Taipei, Taiwan, Feb. 23-26, 2009, pp.37.

Fujisaki (Manome), A., H. Yamaguchi and H. Mitsudera. 2009. Investigation of ice-ocean coupled system in the Sea of Okhotsk using a numerical model, Proc.24th International Symposium on Okhotsk Sea & Sea Ice, Mombetsu, Hokkaido, Feb. 15- 18, 2009, pp.97-100.

Fujisaki (Manome), A., H. Yamaguchi and G. Sagawa. 2008. Numerical study of the Sea of Okhotsk with a high-resolution ice-ocean model, Proc.23rd International Symposium on Okhotsk Sea & Sea Ice, Mombetsu, Hokkaido, Feb. 16-22, 2008, pp.46-49.

Fujisaki (Manome), A., H. Yamaguchi, T. Toyota, A. Futatsudera and M. Miyanaga. 2007. Measurements of Turbulent Fluxes over Sea Ice Region in the Sea of Okhotsk, Proc.CD American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, Dec. 10-14, 2007, Paper No. C21A-0064, 1p..(poster).

Fujisaki (Manome), A., H. Yamaguchi, F. Duan and G. Sagawa. 2006. Improvement of Short-term Numerical Sea Ice Forecasting in the Southern Okhotsk Sea, The 16th International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, San Francisco, CA, 2006, pp.591-598.