CIGLR seeks proposals for new members to join our Regional Consortium, which serves to expand our research expertise and capacity across the Great Lakes. Successful applicants will join the nine research universities, three non-governmental organizations, and three businesses currently partnering with CIGLR in cutting-edge research and a suite of programs that aim to build collaborative partnerships through career development opportunities, visionary science, and impactful outreach.
CIGLR is accepting proposals from Regional Consortium members for a suite of programs that aim to build collaborative partnerships through career development opportunities, visionary science, and impactful outreach. Please visit the full program announcements for...
In this Issue: Accepting Proposals for Partner Programs & New Consortium Members; Annual Partners Meeting; Welcome 3 New Employees; 2 New Videos; Research Features: Great Lakes Satellite Data, Lake Erie HABs & Hypoxia. Sign up to receive CIGLR’s quarterly eNews and stay informed about Great Lakes research and events.
–Postdoctoral Fellowship: Building a coupled ice-surge-wave forecast modeling system for Western Alaska– A postdoctoral fellowship is available for a highly qualified individual to work on a NOAA-funded grant that will develop storm surge forecasts for western Alaska. Follow this link to learn more and apply.
The CIGLR Connect blog space is open to anyone from the CIGLR Research Institute, Regional Consortium, program award recipients, and affiliated students. Please email CIGLR Communications Specialist Aubrey Lashaway ([email protected]) with questions and to learn more.