The 2023 issue introduces CIGLR’s new Director for Engagement, Dr. Mike Shriberg, welcomes 3 new CIGLR Research Scientists, provides research institute and regional consortium updates, and introduces new staff, students and fellows. If you are interested in a print version of the magazine please contact CIGLR at: Click image to read.
In this Issue: Invasive Mussel Control?; CIGLR Research Engagement; Alumni Spotlight – Olivia Anderson; LSSU & Soo Locks Engineers Day; Meet our New Research Scientists and Staff
A memorial fund honoring Dr. Michael Fraker will support his passion for student research and engagement by expanding student opportunities such as undergraduate internships, graduate student research fellowships, and more. Please consider joining us in honoring Mike’s passion by contributing to the Michael Fraker Student Research Memorial Fund…
CIGLR is accepting proposals from Regional Consortium members for a suite of programs that aim to build collaborative partnerships through career development opportunities, visionary science, and impactful outreach. Please visit the full program announcements for...
Come work with us! CIGLR is hiring 3 positions: 1) Two Project Managers: supporting research related to (a) ecosystem dynamics or (b) modeling/forecasting, close 10/21; 2) Postdoc in Great Lakes Climate Variability, closes 11/14. Click image to learn more.
Three paddleboarders from northern Michigan finished their 8-year quest to cross all five of the Laurentian Great Lakes, successfully paddling Lake Ontario. Once again, the Stand Up for Great Lakes team decided to partner with CIGLR raising over $25,000 that is helping to expand Lake Ontario flood control and shoreline restoration work as well as train the next generation of Great Lakes scientists! Click image to learn more.
The CIGLR Connect blog space is open to anyone from the CIGLR Research Institute, Regional Consortium, program award recipients, and affiliated students. Please email CIGLR Communications Specialist Aubrey Lashaway ( with questions and to learn more.