Lake Erie Experimental Hypoxia Forecast

Produced in Collaboration with NOAA GLERL

How to Read the Forecast

Time Stamp

The time stamp shows the five-day period for the predicted forecast. Day:Month:Year:Time

Animation Bar

The animation bar allows you to fast forward, rewind, or pause the animated forecast at a desired date/time.

Color Scales

The color scales show the predicted temperature and dissolved oxygen levels measured in ug/Liter of water. Bluer colors indicate lower temperatures or dissolved oxygen levels nearing hypoxia (4 mg/L or lower). Hypoxia is a state at which the levels of dissolved oxygen are so low that they can no longer support aquatic life. In contrast, the redder the color the higher the temperature or level of dissolved oxygen.


Colored circles found on the hypoxia forecast represent real-time monitoring sensors that are used to validate the accuracy of the forecast. Circles are included only when data is available. The color scale used for the circles is the same as the forecast color scale.

Data Source

This experimental forecast is produced as a joint effort by NOAA Great Lakes Environmental Research Lab (GLERL) and CIGLR with support from NOAA’s Coastal Hypoxia Research Program. 

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About the Research

Visit NOAA GLERL’s website for a deeper look into our research on hypoxia. CIGLR supports the mission and goals of the NOAA Great Lakes Environmental Research Lab, and collaborates with them to develop these next-generation NOAA forecasts. Read the disclaimer.

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Hypoxia Forecast Lead
Mark Rowe
(734) 741-2172

Stakeholder Engagement
Devin Gill
(734) 741-2283

Media Contact
Mary Ogdahl
(734) 741-2276