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10/8/19: Joannes Westerink

October 8, 2019 @ 10:30 am - 11:30 am

Please join us for a Great Lakes Seminar Series presentation:
10:30-11:30 am EDT
NOAA Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, Lake Superior Hall
Presenter: Joannes Westerink, University of Notre Dame
Towards Heterogeneous Process, Scale, and Model Coupling in Simulating the Hydrodynamics of the Coastal Ocean

Event Flyer

Webinar Recording

About the presentation: Hurricane wind wave, storm surge, and current environments in the coastal ocean and adjacent coastal floodplain are characterized by their high energy and by their spatial variability. These processes impact offshore energy assets, navigation, ports and harbors, deltas, wetlands, and coastal communities. The potential for an enormous catastrophic impact in terms of loss of life and economic losses is substantial.

Computational models for wind waves and storm driven currents and surge must provide a high level of grid resolution, fully couple the wind wave and long wave processes, and perform quickly for risk assessment, flood mitigation system design, and forecasting purposes. In order to accomplish this, high performance scalable codes are essential. To this end, we have developed an MPI based domain decomposed unstructured grid framework that minimizes global communications, efficiently handles localized sub-domain to sub-domain communication, applies a local inter-model paradigm with all model to model communications being kept on identical cores for sub-domains, and carefully manages output by assigning specialized cores for this purpose. Continuous Galerkin (CG) and Discontinuous Galerkin (DG) implementations are examined. Performance of explicit and implicit implementations of the wave-current coupled system on up to 32,000 cores for various platforms is evaluated.

The system has been extensively validated with an ever increasing amount of wave, water level and current data that has being collected for recent storms including Hurricanes Katrina (2005), Rita (2005), Gustav (2008), Ike (2008), and Sandy (2012). The modeling system helps understand the physics of hurricane storm surges including processes such as geostrophically driven forerunner, shelf waves that propagate far away from the storm, wind wave – surge interaction, surge capture and propagation by protruding deltaic river systems, the influence of storm size and forward speed, and frictionally controlled inland penetration.

These models are being applied by the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) in the development of the recently completed hurricane risk reduction system in Southern Louisiana as well as for the development of FEMA Digital Flood Insurance Rate Maps (DFIRMS) for Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, and other Gulf and Atlantic coast states. NOAA applies the models in extra-tropical and tropical storm surge forecasting.

Current development is focused on incorporating a wider range of physics affecting coastal and inland water levels as well as forces on infrastructure including large scale baroclinically driven processes, rainfall runoff in upland areas and on the coastal floodplain, and wave run-up. This is accomplished with an interleafing framework in which heterogeneous models focused on a select range of processes are coupled over the same domain and/or specific targeted equations that are dynamically assigned to changing portions of the domain as appropriate to the prevailing flow conditions. This is all done in a dynamically load balanced framework. Algorithmic development is focused on DG solvers, ideally suited for the associated strongly advective flows, allow super-parametric elements for p=1 and p=2 and iso-parametric elements for p=3 in order to achieve improved convergence rates and overall runtime efficiency, and allow for the selection of localized physics on the elemental level.

About the speaker: Joannes Westerink is the Joseph and Nona Ahearn Professor of Computational Science and Engineering and the Henry J. Massman Chair of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Earth Sciences at the University of Notre Dame. He obtained his B.S. (1979) and M.S. (1981) degrees in Civil Engineering at the State University of New York at Buffalo and Ph.D. (1984) degree in Civil Engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Westerink develops high resolution heterogeneous unstructured mesh, multi-physics, multi-scale hydrodynamic codes and models for the hydrodynamics of the coastal ocean and has successfully transitioned these to practitioners for a wide range of applications including the analysis and design of major flood control projects and coastal ocean water level forecasting systems. Westerink has pioneered the successful use of global to channel scale highly heterogeneous unstructured mesh coastal ocean models with mesh resolution varying by up to four orders of magnitude. This encompasses the optimization of algorithms; development of high performance codes in vector and parallel computing environments; the linkages of circulation models to weather and short wind wave models; model verification, validation, and uncertainty quantification; and the application of codes to oceans, continental shelf regions, estuaries, rivers, and coastal flood plains. Westerink is the co-developer, with Rick Luettich of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and Clint Dawson of the University of Texas at Austin, of the widely used ADCIRC finite element based shallow water equation code. ADCIRC has evolved into a community based coastal hydrodynamics code with wide ranging applications within academia, government, and the private sector worldwide. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the Federal Emergency Management Agency and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration all use ADCIRC in support of coastal water level and flooding analyses and forecasts.

Westerink was a team co-lead in the U.S. Army’s Interagency Performance Evaluation Taskforce (IPET) investigation of the Hurricane Katrina (2005) flooding failures in Louisiana. He led ADCIRC storm surge model development for the USACE’s New Orleans and vicinity Hurricane and Storm Damage Risk Reduction System. He also led the ADCIRC model development for the FEMA Flood Insurance Studies in coastal Louisiana and Texas. He served as a commissioner on the Southeast Louisiana Flood Protection Authority and has served as an advisor for the UNESCO Joint WMO-IOC Technical Commission for Oceanography and Marine Meteorology on Enhancing Forecasting Capabilities for North Indian Ocean Storm Surges. He currently serves as an International Advisory Board Member of CIGIDEN, Chile’s National Research Center for Integrated Natural Disaster Management.

Westerink’s current research includes: the development of high order h-p adaptive Discontinuous Galerkin based coastal circulation codes; incorporating phase resolving wave processes including run-up directly into circulation codes; understanding resonant basin and shelf modes and shelf dissipation processes; incorporating local rainfall and small scale channel routing capabilities into shallow water based codes; sea ice interaction with wind waves and circulation; and downscaling global ocean models into global high resolution coastal models to account for baroclinicity and sea level fluctuations. Current applications regions include developing the next generation of ESTOFS water level forecast models for NOAA focusing on Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands; the U.S. East and Gulf coasts, and Alaska.

**Registration is not required, however please note important visitor information**

Important Visitor Information
All in-person seminar attendees are required to receive a visitor badge from the front desk at the NOAA Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory facility. Seminar attendees need to present a valid U.S. photo ID or green card. If you are a Foreign National, advance notification of at least 48 hours is needed so that security guidelines are followed. You will need to present your passport (a copy will NOT work). For questions regarding building access, or assistance in obtaining Foreign National clearance, please call 734-741-2394. Email contact: [email protected]
Questions? Contact Mary Ogdahl: [email protected]
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October 8, 2019
10:30 am - 11:30 am
Event Category:


NOAA Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory
4840 S State Rd
Ann Arbor, MI 48104 United States
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