
Oral Presentations:

Tomczak, M., Rutherford, E., Mason, D., Rowe, M., Alsip, P., Glyshaw, P., Lugten, E., Truong, H., Algayer, T., Chaganti, R., Vanderbilt, L., Ruberg, S., Rosier, K., Miller, R. 2024. Coordinating Technology and Transport Modeling Modeling Improves Understanding of Larval Alewife Growth and Distribution in Southeast Lake Michigan. Annual Larval Fish Conference, May 12-16, 2024. Huron, Ohio. 

Tomczak, M., Zhang, Y., Adlerstein Gonzalez, S., Wells, D., Vanderploeg, H., Cavaletto, J., Glyshaw, P., Mason, D., Lewandowski, K., Rutherford, E. 2023. Effects of the Spring Thermal Bar on Water Quality, Density, and Distribution of Plankton and Fish Larvae in Lake Michigan. National American Fisheries Society Conference, August 20-24, 2023. Grand Rapids, Michigan. 

Tomczak, M., Rutherford, E., Rowe, M., Alsip, P., Wells, D., Vanderploeg, H., Mason, D., Cavaletto, J., Glyshaw, P., Bunnell, D., Collingsworth, P., Hook, T., Hoffman, J. 2022. Where are the fish? Larval fish sampling and transport modeling reveal vertical, spatial, and temporal distributions of Alewife in Lake Michigan. 45th Annual Larval Fish Conference and 13th International Larval Biology Symposium, August 29-September 1, 2022. San Diego, California.

Tomczak, M., Rutherford, E., Wells, D., Vanderploeg, H., Mason, D., Cavaletto, J., Glyshaw, P., Bunnell, D., Collingsworth, P., Hook, T., Hoffman, J. 2022. Three years, three fish, one lake: Lake Michigan Larval Fish Recruitment Dynamics in CSMI Years. Joint Aquatic Sciences Meeting, May 14-20, 2022. Grand Rapids, Michigan.

Tomczak, M., Schmidt, B., DeBruyne, R., Bowser, D., Fischer, J., Kennedy, G., King, N., Mayer, C., Roseman, E. 2021. Retention and Collection Efficiency of Egg Mats in Simulated River Conditions. American Fisheries Society Early Life History Subunit 44th Annual Larval Fish Conference, June 24-26 2021. Virtual.

Tomczak, M., Schmidt, B., DeBruyne, R., Bowser, D., Fischer, J., Kennedy, G., King, N., Mayer, C., Roseman, E. 2021. Retention and Collection Efficiency of Egg Mats in Simulated River Conditions. Michigan Chapter of the American Fisheries Society
Conference, March 16-17 2021. Virtual.

Tomczak, M., Schmidt, B., DeBruyne, R., Bowser, D., Fischer, J., Kennedy, G., King, N., Mayer, C., Roseman, E. 2021. Retention and Collection Efficiency of Egg Mats in Simulated River Conditions. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, February 1-4 2021. Virtual.

Tomczak, M., Thomsen, T., Miles, C., Irons, K., Lamer J. The Age, Growth, and Emergence of Larval Fish in the Upper Mississippi River. Midwest Ecology and Evolution Conference, 29 February 2020. Macomb, Illinois.

Tomczak, M., Thomsen, T., Miles, C., Irons, K., Lamer J. The Age, Growth, and Emergence of Larval Fish in the Upper Mississippi River. Western Illinois University Student Research Conference, 28 February 2020. Macomb, Illinois.

Tomczak, M., Thomsen, T., Miles, C., Irons, K., Lamer J. The Age, Growth, and Emergence of Larval Fish in the Upper Mississippi River. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, 29 January 2020. Springfield, Illinois.

Tomczak, M., Grumelot, J., Pennette, D., Kuene, L. Apigene Hive: Rethinking Bee Hygiene. Biodesign Challenge, 21 June 2018. New York, New York. *Outstanding Field Research Award.

Tomczak, M., King, N., Kocovsky, P., Mayer, C., Qian, S. Tracking Grass Carp Spawning and Egg Development in the Sandusky River and Maumee River, Ohio. University of Toledo Honors Symposium, 27 April 2018. Toledo, Ohio.

Poster Presentations:

Tomczak, M., Jones, D., Adams, E., Calappi, T., DeBruyne, R., Roseman, E. Stranded: A Day in the Life of Fish After Flow Reduction in the St. Marys River Rapids. Midwest Fish & Wildlife Conference.Des Moines, Iowa. (Virtual) February 13-16, 2022.

Tomczak, M., Tucker, T., Eaton, L., Coyle, B., Roseman, E., DeBruyne, R., Keeler, K., McNaught, A.S. More Than Just A Transit Corridor: Larval Fish Diets Reveal the St. Clair-Detroit River System Provides Nursery Habitat. American Fisheries Society Early Life History Subunit 44th Annual Larval Fish Conference, June 24-26 2021. Virtual.

Tomczak, M., Thomsen, T., Miles, C., Irons, K., Lamer J. The Age, Growth, and Emergence of Larval Fish in the Upper Mississippi River. National American Fisheries  Society and The Wildlife Society Joint Conference, 30 September 2019. Reno, Nevada.

Thomsen, T., Tomczak, M., LaHood, B., Irons, K., Lamer J. Habitat Use of Larval Fish in Backwater Reaches of the Mississippi River. Mississippi River Research Consortium, 25 April 2019. La Crosse, Wisconsin.

Thomsen, T., Tomczak, M., LaHood, B., Irons, K., Lamer J. Habitat Use of Larval Fish in Backwater Reaches of the Mississippi River. Western Illinois University Student Research Conference, 22 March 2019. Macomb, Illinois. *3rd place poster.

Thomsen, T., Tomczak, M., LaHood, B., Irons, K., Lamer J. Habitat Use of Larval Fish in Backwater Reaches of the Mississippi River. Illinois Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, 27 February 2019. Champaign, Illinois.

Thomsen, T., Tomczak, M., LaHood, B., Irons, K., Lamer J. Habitat Use of Larval Fish in Backwater Reaches of the Mississippi River. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, 30 January 2019. Cleveland, Ohio.

Bartos, A., Tomczak, M., Martin, T. Constructing artificial wetlands for arsenic bioremediation in Northwest Ohio. Choose Ohio First Showcase, 14 February 2018. Columbus, Ohio.

Tomczak, M., King, N., Kocovsky, P., Mayer, C., Qian, S. Tracking Grass Carp Spawning and Egg Development in the Sandusky River, Ohio. Lake Erie – Inland Waters Anuual Research Review, 1 February, 2018. Columbus, Ohio.

Tomczak, M., King, N., Kocovsky, P., Mayer, C., Qian, S. Tracking Grass Carp Spawning and Egg Development in the Sandusky River, Ohio. Midwest Fish and Wildlife, 30 January, 2018. Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

Bartos, A., Tomczak, M., Marshall, L., Beck, M., McVeen, J., Dwyer, D. Energy production and water quality improvement by means of anaerobic digestion of dairy manure. University of Toledo Undergraduate Research Symposium, 1 December 2015. Toledo, Ohio.

Bartos, A., Tomczak, M., Marshall, L., Beck, M., McVeen, J., Dwyer, D. Energy production and water quality improvement by means of anaerobic digestion of dairy manure. BGSU Undergraduate Research Symposium, 18 April 2015. Bowling Green, Ohio.