Nayethzi Hernandez

Research Engagement Specialist

4840 South State Street
Ann Arbor, MI 48108

[email protected]

Nayethzi Hernandez, M.S, is a trained agroecologist specializing in the use of interdisciplinary engagement between ecological and socio-cultural knowledge to support decision making and climate resilience. She received her masters in Ecosystem Science and Management from the University of Michigan where she worked with Ecologists, Agroecolgists and Geospatial scientists to include social science and community engagement in their research. As a Research Engagement Specialist within the CIGLR ECO Program she facilitates connections between CIGLR scientists and communities in the Great Lakes region. Her past research has included studying the impacts of agriculture on biodiversity and livelihoods, the design and implementation of culturally appropriate climate solutions, and mixed methods study design and evaluation.

    • M.S. in Ecosystem Science & Management, University of Michigan, 2024
    • B.S in Business Management, University of Utah 2019
      • Sustainability emphasis
Methodological Toolkit:
    • Interviews, surveys & focus groups
    • Mixed-methods research (qualitative & quantitative)
    • Community-based participatory research
    • Agroecological evaluations and biodiversity surveys
    • Data analysis (R, NVIVO, multivariate statistics)
Research Interest/Area of Expertise:
    • Agroecology
    • Food Sovereignty
    • Knowledge co-creation
    • Culturally informed decision making
    • Critical Geographies 
    • Political Ecology


  • Klenke, G., Brines, S., Hernandez, N., Li, K., Glancy, R., Cabrera, J., Neal, B. H., Adkins, K. A., Schroeder, R., & Perfecto, I. (2024). Farmer perceptions of land cover classification of UAS imagery of coffee agroecosystems in Puerto Rico. Geographies, 4(2), 321–342. (DOI:10.3390/geographies4020019).