Hazem Abdelhady
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
4840 S. State Rd.
Ann Arbor, MI 48108-9719
Hazem is a Postdoc Research Fellow at the University of Michigan- School for Environment and Sustainability, CIGLR. Hazem’s research specialization encompasses the field of water resources engineering, with a specific focus on hydrodynamic modeling, remote sensing, and AI/ML applications. Hazem’s research with UM SEAS, CIGLR focuses on advancing the understanding of interannual variability and extreme events in the ice cover and thermal structure of the Great Lakes, both historically and under future climate scenarios using physics-based and data-driven methods.
- PhD, Purdue University in Hydraulics and Hydrology Engineering and Computational Engineering, 2024
Post Graduate Certificate: Geospatial Information Sciences - MS, Cairo University in Irrigation and Hydraulics Engineering, 2020
- BS, Cairo University (Civil Engineering), 2018
- PhD, Purdue University in Hydraulics and Hydrology Engineering and Computational Engineering, 2024
Research Interest/Area of Expertise:
- Numerical geophysical modeling
- Remote sensing
- Coastal Engineering
- Machine Learning
Recent Publications:
Abdelhady, H. and Troy, C. D. (2023). Modeling Lake Michigan Shoreline Changes in Response to Rapid Water Level Fluctuations. The Proceedings of the Coastal Sediments, 1332-1346. (DOI:10.1142/9789811275135_0123).
Abdelhady, H. and Troy, C. D. (2023). A Reduced-Complexity Shoreline Model for Coastal Areas with Large Water Level Fluctuations. Coastal Engineering, 104249. (DOI:10.1016/j.coastaleng.2022.104249).
Abdelhady, H., Troy, C. D., Habib, A., and Manish, R. (2022). A Simple, Fully Automated Shoreline Detection Algorithm for High-Resolution Multi-Spectral Imagery. Remote Sensing, 14(3), 557. (DOI:10.3390/rs14030557). [Altmetric Score]
Abdelhady, H., Imam, Y. E., Shawwash, Z., and Ghanem, A. (2021). Parallelized Bi-level optimization model with continuous search domain for selection of run-of-river hydropower projects. Renewable Energy, 167, 116-131. (DOI:10.1016/j.renene.2020.11.055).
Abdelhady, H., Cannon D., Shin S.,Fujisaki-Manome A., Fry L., Hutson A., Steinschneider, S., Mukhopadhyay, S., Miller, Z., Kessler, J., Gronewold, D., and Wang, J. (2024). A Probabilistic Approach to Future Water Level and Ice Cover Prediction in the Laurentian Great Lakes: Model Validation and Preliminary Results ASBPA 2024.
Abdelhady, H. and Troy, C. D.(2024). Water Level Disequilibrium – A New Concept to Improve the Great Lakes Shoreline Modeling ASBPA 2024.
Abdelhady, H. and Troy, C. D.(2024). A Deep Learning Framework for Hindcasting Lake Michigan Ice Cover and Wave Climate IAGLR 2024.
Troy, C. D. and Abdelhady, H. (2024). The Great Lakes Shoreline Model – Overview and Applications IAGLR 2024.
Abdelhady, H. and Troy, C. D.(2023). Automated Shoreline Change Quantification from High-Resolution Multi-spectral Satellite Images: Development and Applications AGU 2023 Fall Meeting.
Troy, C. D. and Abdelhady, H.(2023). The Great Lakes Shoreline Model – Insights and Applications AGU 2023 Fall Meeting.
Abdelhady, H. and Troy, C. D.(2023). Introducing the Water Level Disequilibrium Concept to Enhance Shoreline Modeling in the Great Lakes. 9th Young Coastal Scientists and Engineers Conference – Americas.
Abdelhady, H. and Troy, C. D.(2023). Lake Michigan Shoreline Monitoring, Evaluation and Modeling Using High Resolution Multispectral Satellite Images. 42nd IWRA Symposium.
Troy, C. D. and Abdelhady, H.(2023). The Great Lakes Shoreline Model (GLSM): Development and Applications. IAGLR 2023
Abdelhady, H. and Troy, C. D. (2023). A Machine Learning Approach to Great Lakes Wave Forecasting. 54th international Liege Colloquium On Ocean Dynamics.
Abdelhady, H. and Troy, C. D. (2023). Modeling Lake Michigan shoreline changes in response to rapid water level fluctuations. Coastal Sediments 2023.
Abdelhady, H. and Troy, C. D. (2022). A shoreline model for coastal areas with large water level fluctuations. AGU Fall Meeting 2022.
Abdelhady, H. and Troy, C. D. (2021). Modeling Lake Michigan shoreline change in response to rapid water level fluctuations. 7th Young Coastal Scientists and Engineers Conference – Americas.
Abdelhady, H. Optimum selection and design of small hydropower projects. Cairo Water Week 2019, 3MT competition.