PresentationsMatley, J.K., Faust, M.D., Vandergoot, C.S., Raby, G.D., Zhao, Y., Robinson, J., Macdougall, T., Krueger, C.C. and Fisk, A.T. 2019. Tracking large-scale walleye migrations in Lake Erie. International Conference for Fish Telemetry (ICFT), Arendal, Norway. (Oral presentation).
Matley, J.K., Eanes, S., Nemeth, R.S. and Jobsis, P.D. 2019. Vulnerability of sea turtles and fishes in response to two catastrophic Caribbean hurricanes, Irma and Maria. International Conference for Fish Telemetry (ICFT), Arendal, Norway. (Poster presentation).
Matley, J.K., Faust, M.D., Vandergoot, C.S., Raby, G.D., Zhao, Y., Robinson, J., Macdougall, T., Krueger, C.C. and Fisk A.T. 2019. Habitat selection of Lake Erie walleye using acoustic telemetry. Great Lakes Acoustic Telemetry Observation System (GLATOS) Annual Symposium, Ann Arbor, Michigan, U.S.A. (Oral presentation).
Matley, J.K., Faust, M.D., Vandergoot, C.S., Raby, G.D., Zhao, Y., Robinson, J., Macdougall, T., Krueger, C.C. and Fisk A.T. 2019. Bottom-depth preference of Lake Erie walleye: informing fishery management across Lake Erie. International Association for Great Lakes Research (IAGLR) Conference, Brockport, New York, U.S.A. (Oral presentation).
Matley, J.K., Maes, G.E., Devloo-Delva, F., Huerlimann, R., Chua, G., Tobin, A.J., Fisk, A.T., Simpfendorfer, C.A. and Heupel, M.R. 2017. Comparative visual, molecular and stable isotope diet analysis in fishery-targeted groupers. Indo-Pacific Fish Conference, Tahiti, French Polynesia. (Oral presentation).
Matley, J.K., Jobsis, P.D., Jossart, J. and Nemeth, R.S. 2017. Movement behaviour of fishes from multiple trophic groups in response to environmental variation in a small tropical bay. International Conference for Fish Telemetry, Cairns, Queensland, Australia. (Oral presentation).
Matley, J.K., Simpfendorfer, C.A., Fisk, A.T., Tobin, A.J., Devloo-Delva, F., Maes, G. and Heupel, M.R. 2016. Trophic ecology of coral trout: Is one sampling approach enough? Australian Society for Fish Biology and Oceania Chondrichthyan Society Conference, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia. (Oral presentation).
Matley, J.K., Simpfendorfer, C.A., Fisk, A.T., Tobin, A.J. and Heupel, M.R. 2016. Using complimentary sampling methods to address similar questions: resource and habitat use of sympatric coral trout. International Coral Reef Symposium, Honolulu, Hawaii, U.S.A. (Oral
Matley, J.K., Simpfendorfer, C.A., Tobin, A.J., Fisk, A.T. and Heupel, M.R. 2015. Niche partitioning of sympatric coral trout indicated by movement and dietary patterns. Australian Society for Fish Biology Congress, Sydney, NSW, Australia. (Oral presentation).
Matley, J.K., Simpfendorfer, C.A., Tobin, A.J. and Heupel, M.R. 2015. Niche partitioning of sympatric reef fish using passive acoustic telemetry. International Conference for Fish Telemetry, Halifax, NS, Canada. (Oral presentation).
Matley, J.K., Simpfendorfer, C.A., Tobin, A.J., Fisk, A.T. and Heupel, M.R. 2015. Niche partitioning of sympatric coral trout indicated by movement and dietary patterns. AIMS@JCU Student Seminar Day, Townsville, QLD, Australia. (Oral presentation).
Matley, J.K., Simpfendorfer, C.A., Tobin, A.J., Fisk A.T. and Heupel, M.R. 2015. Niche partitioning of sympatric coral trout determined by stable isotopes and acoustic telemetry. College of Marine and Environmental Sciences Conference, James Cook University, Townsville, QLD, Australia. (Oral presentation – 3rd place).
Matley, J.K., Simpfendorfer, C.A. and Heupel, M.R. 2014. Seasonal depth and space use patterns of coral trout (Plectropomus leopardus) using passive acoustic tracking. AIMS@JCU Student Seminar Day, Townsville, QLD, Australia. (Oral presentation).
Matley, J.K., Simpfendorfer, C.A. and Heupel, M.R. 2014. Depth and space use of coral trout (Plectropomus leopardus) using passive acoustic tracking. Australian Society for Fish Biology Congress, Darwin, NT, Australia. (Oral presentation).
Matley, J.K., Simpfendorfer, C.A. and Heupel, M.R. 2013. Reproductive behaviour of coral trout (Plectropomus leopardus): insight into adaptations of spawning. School of Earth and Environmental Sciences Annual Symposium, Townsville, QLD, Australia. (Oral presentation).
Matley, J.K., Fisk, A.T. and Dick, T.A. 2012. Investigating the foraging ecology of Arctic cod using dietary and isotopic niche overlap. Ocean Tracking Network Annual Symposium, Halifax, NS, Canada. (Oral presentation).
Matley, J.K., Fisk, A.T. and Dick, T.A. 2011. Foraging behaviour and trophic ecology of marine mammals in the Canadian Arctic. Society for Marine Mammalogy Biennial Conference, Tampa, FL, U.S.A. (Oral presentation).
Matley, J.K., Crawford, R., Fisk, A.T. and Dick, T.A. 2011. Seabird predation on Arctic cod (Boreogadus saida) and their interactions during the summer in the Canadian Arctic. Ocean Tracking Network Annual Symposium, Halifax, NS, Canada. (Oral presentation).
Matley, J.K., Crawford, R. and Dick, T.A. 2011. The application of hydroacoustics to study the distribution of Arctic cod and seabirds in shallow Arctic bay. Ocean Tracking Network Annual Symposium, Halifax, NS, Canada. (Poster presentation).
Matley, J.K., Fisk, A.T. and Dick, T.A. 2011. Trophic feeding of marine mammals in Allen Bay, Nunavut. Ocean Tracking Network Annual Symposium, Halifax, NS, Canada. (Poster presentation).
Matley, J.K., Crawford, R., Fisk, A.T. and Dick, T.A. 2011. Arctic cod (Boreogadus saida) predation by seabirds and their interactions during summer in the Canadian Arctic. Prairie University Biology Symposium (PUBS), Saskatoon, SK, Canada. (Oral presentation).
Matley, J.K., Crawford, R., Fisk, A.T. and Dick, T.A. 2010. The interactions of marine seabirds feeding on Arctic cod (Boreagadus saida). ArcticNet Annual Conference, Ottawa, ON, Canada. (Oral presentation).