

Ɨ Keretz, S.S., D.A. Woolnough, T.J. Morris, Ashley K. Elgin, and D.T. Zanatta. 2022. Species distribution model of native and invasive mollusks in two large rivers of the Laurentian Great Lakes. Cooperative Institute for Great Lakes Research 6 th Annual All-Partners Meeting. Virtual. October 31, 2022.

Ɨ Keretz, S.S., D.A. Woolnough, T.J. Morris, G.E. Sanfilippo, D.T. Powell, N.M. VanTassel, A.D. Wright, and D.T. Zanatta. Mollusk sampling in large connecting rivers of the Laurentian Great Lakes. FMCS Survey Guidelines and Techniques Workshop. Henry Horton State Park, Tennessee. August 8-11, 2022.

*Keretz, S.S., D.A. Woolnough, T.J. Morris, Ashley K. Elgin, and D.T. Zanatta. 2022. Ecological niche modeling for native and invasive mussels in the St. Clair and Detroit River systems. Joint Aquatic Sciences Meeting. Grand Rapids, Michigan. May 14-20, 2022.

*Keretz, S.S., D.A. Woolnough, T.J. Morris, and D.T. Zanatta. 2022. Species distribution modeling for native and invasive mussels in the St. Clair and Detroit rivers. State of Lake Erie Conference. Cleveland, Ohio. March 16-18, 2022.

*Keretz, S.S., D.A. Woolnough, T.J. Morris, and D.T. Zanatta. 2022. Species distribution modeling for native freshwater mussels in the two connecting rivers of the Huron-Erie corridor of the Laurentian Great Lakes region. 82nd Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Des Moines, Iowa. February 13-16, 2022.

*Keretz, S.S., D.A. Woolnough, T.J. Morris, and D.T. Zanatta. 2021. Species distribution modeling for native freshwater mussels in the Detroit and St. Clair Rivers. 4th Biennial Canadian Freshwater Mollusc Research Meeting. Virtual. December 7-8, 2021.

*Keretz, S.S., D.A. Woolnough, T.J. Morris, Ashley K. Elgin, and D.T. Zanatta. 2021. State of native and invasive freshwater mussels in two connecting rivers of the Huron-Erie corridor. Cooperative Institute for Great Lakes Research 5 th Annual All-Partners Meeting. Virtual. November 4-5, 2021.

*Keretz, S.S., D.A. Woolnough, T.J. Morris, and D.T. Zanatta. 2021. Species distribution modeling of native unionid and invasive dreissenid mussels in two large river systems of the Laurentian Great Lakes. 2021 Society for Freshwater Science Annual Meeting. Virtual. May 23-27, 2021.

*Keretz, S.S., D.A. Woolnough, T.J. Morris, and D.T. Zanatta. 2021. Distributions and habitat modeling of native and invasive mussels in two large river systems. Freshwater Mollusk Conservation Society 12 th Biennial Symposium. Virtual. April 12-14, 2021.

*Smrcka, E.A., S. Allred, D.T. Powell, and D.T. Zanatta. 2020. Do lake characteristics predict the presence of invasive mystery snails? Central Michigan University College of Science and Engineering Undergraduate Research Symposium. Mount Pleasant, Michigan. November 6, 2020.

*Allred, S.S., D.A. Woolnough, T.J. Morris, and D.T. Zanatta. 2020. Status of native, freshwater mussels in the Detroit River. Michigan Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting. Mount Pleasant, Michigan. March 12-13, 2020. Best Student Presentation Award.

*Allred, S.S., D.A. Woolnough, T.J. Morris, and D.T. Zanatta. 2020. The Detroit River: A dreissenid war and unionid resistance. 2-Minute Research Talk Competition. Biology Department, Central Michigan University, Mount Pleasant, Michigan. March 5, 2020.

*Allred, S.S., D.A. Woolnough, T.J. Morris, and D.T. Zanatta. 2019. Status update for native mussels in the Detroit River. 3 rd Biennial Canadian Freshwater Mollusc Research Meeting. Burlington, Ontario. December 3-4, 2019.

Ɨ Allred, S.S., D.A. Woolnough, T.J. Morris, and D.T. Zanatta. 2019. State of native mussels in the Detroit River. 8th Biennial State of the Straight Meeting. Windsor, Ontario. November 19, 2019.

*Zanatta, D.T., D.A. Woolnough and S. Allred. 2019. Preliminary results of 2019 native mussel surveys in the Detroit River: Ground zero of the dreissenid invasion. Invasive Mussel Collaborative. Traverse City, Michigan. September 24-25, 2019.

*Allred, S., W. Shao, W.M. Schilling, and P.J. Allen. 2017. Assessing red discoloration in catfish fillets. 2017 Joint Annual Meeting of the Mississippi and Alabama Chapters of the American Fisheries Society. Biloxi, Mississippi. February 22-24, 2017.

*Allred, S., C. Culpepper, E. Guy, T. Holman, L. Pugh, and P.J. Allen. 2016. White Crappie, Pomoxis annularis, out-of- season spawning. Mississippi State University Graduate Student Research Symposium. Starkville, Mississippi. April 2, 2016.

Ɨ Allred, S., C. Culpepper, E. Guy, T. Holman, L. Pugh, and P.J. Allen. 2016. Out-of-season spawning of White Crappie, Pomoxis annularis. 42 nd Annual Meeting of the Mississippi Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Vicksburg, Mississippi. March 9-11, 2016.

Ɨ Allred, S.S., J.C. Baranowski, K.N. Ochoa, and S.M. Shuster. 2015. Flesh fly pupal weight predicts viability. Northern Arizona University Undergraduate Symposium. Flagstaff, Arizona. April 24, 2015.

Ɨ Holditch, Z., S. Greene, K.N. Ochoa, S. Allred, J. Baranowski, and S.M. Shuster. 2015. Revisiting sperm limitation in parasitic wasps. Northern Arizona University Undergraduate Symposium. Flagstaff, Arizona. April 24, 2015.

Ɨ Baranowski, J.C., S.S. Allred, K.N. Ochoa, and S.M. Shuster. 2015. Does weight predict fly pupal viability? Annual Meeting of the Arizona-Nevada Academy of Science. Phoenix, Arizona. April 18, 2015.

Ɨ poster
* presentation