2019 Summer Fellows

Clay Carufel
Affiliation: U. of Minnesota – Duluth
Project 2: Alaska coast ice-wave-surge
Fellow Feature Video

Lauren Marshall
Affiliation: University of Toledo
Project 6: AUVs in the Great Lakes
Fellow Feature Video

Andrew Oppliger
Affiliation: Ohio State University
Project 5: Lake Michigan fish larvae
Fellow Feature Video

Holly Roth
Affiliation: Northern Michigan U.
Project 8: Lake meteorological forcing
Fellow Feature Video

Jacob Rudolph
Affiliation: NC State University
Project 4: Lake Erie HAB Tracker skill
Fellow Feature Video

Anna Schmidt
Affiliation: U. of Wisconsin Madison
Project 5: Mysis in Lake Michigan
Fellow Feature Video

Nolan Smith
Affiliation: William and Mary
Project 10: Realtime enviro data
Fellow Feature Video

Matthew Trumper
Affiliation: U. Minnesota – TC
Project 9: GL ice impacts on Lake Erie
Fellow Feature Video

Jessica Zehnpfennig
Affiliation: Central Michigan U.
Project 3: Manganese & L.E. hypoxia
Fellow Feature Video

Steven Smit
Affiliation: University of Michigan
Project 7: Invasive round goby