2020 Summer Fellows

Chanse Ford
Affiliation: Michigan State U.
Project 5: Runoff Risk Tools
Final Presentation
Fellow Feature Video

Brenna Friday
Affiliation: Wayne State University
Project 9: Larval amphibians
Final Presentation
Fellow Feature Video

Kaylin Jones
Affiliation: University of Michigan
Project 8: Flood risks in Great Lakes
Final Presentation
Fellow Feature Video

Lorrayne Miralha
Affiliation: Arizona State University
Project 3: Lake Erie Phytoplankton
Final Presentation
Fellow Feature Video

Drew Reiser
Affiliation: University of Illinois
Project 7: Great Lakes & Arctic Ice
Final Presentation
Fellow Feature Video

Kaitlyn Rivers
Affiliation: Oberlin College
Position 4: Lake Michigan fish larvae
Final Presentation
Fellow Feature Video

Anisha Shrestha
Affiliation: Grand Valley State U.
Position 2: Great Lakes gliders
Final Presentation
Fellow Feature Video

Kaelan Weiss
Affiliation: U. of Minnesota – Duluth
Position 1: Lake Champlain
Final Presentation
Fellow Feature Video