Please join us for a Great Lakes Seminar Series presentation:
Wednesday, October 19, 10:30 – 11:30 am EDT
NOAA Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory – Lake Superior Hall* (Directions)
*Remote participation is available via webinar. To participate remotely, please register at:
**Registration for on-site attendance is not required, however please note important visitor information (click on main heading above)**
Event flyer
Presenter: Dr. Jesse Feyen, Deputy Director, NOAA Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory
Title: Delivering Impactful Coastal Science Services to Strengthen Communities
Abstract: NOAA is a science agency whose mission focuses on sharing science knowledge as actionable information for decision-makers; that is, providing environmental intelligence. Meeting this mission requires multiple factors to be successful: an understanding of science information users and their needs; effective management of programs and projects; leveraging of partnerships; transitioning science to operational applications; and an overarching vision to coordinate these activities. These principles will be highlighted in recent successful NOAA science efforts on coastal hazards, including social science studies on users’s understanding of storm surges, development and testing of new coastal flood products for National Weather Service forecasts, and transition of ADCIRC coastal inundation models to application and operations. Finally, lessons learned will be used to discuss how the needs of Great Lakes communities can be met by delivering science information, products, and services.
Bio: Dr. Feyen assumed the position of Deputy Director for NOAA’s Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory in June 2016, where he is responsible for overseeing laboratory business operations. Previously he was the Deputy Chief of the Office of Coast Survey’s Development Laboratory at NOAA HQ in Silver Spring, Maryland. From 2010 to 2015 he was the Project Portfolio Manager of NOAA’s Storm Surge Roadmap, an agency-wide R&D program that saw vast improvements occur in storm surge products and services. He originally joined the National Ocean Service as a coastal hydrodynamic model developer. He has a Ph.D. in civil engineering from the University of Notre Dame (South Bend, Indiana) and a bachelor’s in civil engineering from Calvin College (Grand Rapids Michigan). On a personal note, Jesse lived near the Great Lakes for 29 years so has a personal connection to the region and is excited to be back.
Important Visitor Information
All in-person seminar attendees are required to receive a visitor badge from the front desk at the NOAA Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory facility. Seminar attendees need to present a valid U.S. photo ID or green card. If you are a Foreign National, advance notification of at least 48 hours is needed so that security guidelines are followed. You will need to present your passport (a copy will NOT work). For questions regarding building access, or assistance in obtaining Foreign National clearance, please call 734-741-2393. Email contact: [email protected]
Questions? Contact Mary Ogdahl: [email protected]