Chuliang Xiao
Past Postdoctoral Research Fellow
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Dr. Chuliang “Andy” Xiao is a former postdoctoral fellow with CIGLR and a lead data science analyst with Priority Health in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Before entering the health services sector, Dr. Xiao worked with large sets of meteorological data to create Great Lakes region climate models and focused on building models to predict climate change’s effects on Great Lakes water levels while working with CIGLR and Dr. Brent Lofgren of NOAA GLERL. Dr. Xiao received his Ph.D. in atmospheric sciences and his B.S. in meteorology from Nanjing University, Nanjing, China, additionally spending a semester at the University of Tokyo as an undergraduate.
- Ph.D. in Meteorology, Nanjing University (2013)
- B.S. in Atmospheric Sciences, Nanjing University (2008)
- Visiting Student, University of Tokyo (2010)
Research Interest/Area of Expertise:
- Coupled Atmosphere-Lake Models
- Regional Responses to Climate Change
- Data Analytics
- Database Development
Recent Publications:
Charusombat, U., A.Fujisaki-Manome, A.D. Gronewold, B.M. Lofgren, E.J. Anderson, P.D. Blanken, C. Spence, J.D. Lenters, C. Xiao, L.E. Fitzpatrick and G. Cutrell. 2018. Evaluating and improving modeled turbulent heat fluxes across the North American Great Lakes. Hydrology and Earth Science Systems. (DOI:10.5194/hess-22-5559-2018). [Altmetric Score]
Xiao, C., B.M. Lofgren, J. Wang and P.Y. Chu. 2018. A Dynamical Downscaling Projection of Future Climate Change in the Laurentian Great Lakes Region Using a Coupled Air-Lake Model. Preprints. (DOI:10.20944/preprints201807.0468.v1).
Xiao, C., B.M. Lofgren and J. Wang. 2018. WRF-based assessment of the Great Lakes’ impact on cold season synoptic cyclones. Atmospheric Research. (DOI:10.1016/j.atmosres.2018.07.020).
Recent Presentations:
Xiao, C.L. and Y.C. Zhang. 2012. The East Asian upper-tropospheric jet stream and associated transient eddy activity simulated by a climate system model BCC_CSM1.1, the 3rd International Conference on Earth System Modelling (3ICESM), September 17-21, 2012, Hamburg, Germany. Poster.
Xiao, C.L. and Y.C. Zhang. 2010. The East Asian Polar-front Jet and associated Transient Eddy Activity Simulated by MIROC Model, the 5th workshop of the CLIVAR C20C, October 25-28, 2010, LASG/IAP, Beijing, China.