PublicationsGuo, T., E. Nisbet, J. Martin. 2019. Identifying mechanisms of environmental decision-making: How ideology and geographic proximity influence public support for managing agricultural runoff to curb harmful algal blooms. Journal of Environmental Management. 24(1):264-272. (DOI:10.1016/j.jenvman.2019.04.021). [Altmetric Score]
Guo, T., D. Gill, T.H. Johengen and B.J. Cardinale. 2019. What determines the public’s support for water quality regulations to mitigate agricultural runoff?. Environmental Science and Policy. (DOI:10.1016/j.envsci.2019.09.008). [Altmetric Score]
Guo, J.H., T. Guo, K.M. Lin, D.D. Lin, Y.F. Leung and Q.H. Chen. 2019. Managing congestion at visitor hotspots using park-level use level data: Case study of a Chinese World Heritage Site. Plos One. (DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0215266). [Altmetric Score]
Guo, T., J. Leahy, E.S. Huff, C. Danks and M. Adams. 2018. A Social Network Analysis of a Regional Automated Wood Pellet Heating Industry in Pursuing Homeowner Satisfaction. Forest Products Journal. 68(2):182-190. (DOI:10.13073/FPJ-D-17-00055).
Guo, T., J.W. Smith, R.L. Moore and C.L. Schultz. 2017. Integrating off-site visitor education into landscape conservation and management: An examination of timing of educational messaging and compliance with low-impact hiking recommendations. Landscape and Urban Planning. 164:25-36. (DOI:10.1016/j.landurbplan.2017.03.013).
Leung, Y.F., J.W. Smith, E. Seekamp, K. Conlon, J.E. Mayer, T. Guo, C. Walden-Schreiner, B. Adams and R. Keane. 2016. The effects of 2D and 3D imagery and an educational message on perceptions of trail impacts. Natural Areas Journal. 36(1):88-92. (DOI:10.3375/043.036.0115).
Guo, T., J.W. Smith, Y.F. Leung, E. Seekamp and R.L. Moore. 2015. Determinants of responsible hiking behavior: results from a stated choice experiment. Environmental Management. 56(3):765-776. (DOI:10.1007/s0026). [Altmetric Score]
Guo, T. and I. Schneider. 2015. Measurement Properties and Cross-Cultural Equivalence of Negotiation with Outdoor Recreation Constraints. Journal of Leisure Research. 47:125-153. (DOI:10.1080/00222216.2015.11950354).
*Undergraduate student research collaborator