Yi Hong
Past Postdoctoral Research Fellow
4840 S. State Rd.
Ann Arbor, MI 48108-9719
In the News:
- A new approach of monitoring and physically-based modelling to investigate urban wash-off process on a road catchment near Paris, Archive Ouverte HAL, 10/18/2016
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Yi Hong was an Postdoctoral Research Fellow working in the Cooperative Institute for Great Lakes Research (CIGLR). His current work aims to improve water cycle prediction in the national water model through regional calibration, meteorological forcing improvements, and coastal coupling. His research focuses on studying the complex interactions between water cycle, pollutant transport, agriculture activities, ecosystem behaviors and their social-economic impacts, in responding to different climate and human activity forcing, as well as to propose solutions in the context of sustainable development.
- Ph.D. in Environmental Engineering, Ecole des Ponts ParisTech, France (2017)
- M.S. in Biostatistics and modelling, University of Toulouse, France (2012)
- B.S. in Environmental Science, Wuhan University, China (2009)
Research Interest/Area of Expertise:
- Hydrological modeling
- Urban water modeling
- Aquatic ecosystem modeling
Recent Publications:
Hong, Y., Liao, Q., Bonhomme, C., Chebbo, G., 2019. New trends in physically-based stormwater quality modelling: an efficient calibration approach. Journal of Environmental Management. (DOI:10.1016/j.jenvman.2019.06.003). [Altmetric Score]
Hong, Y., Bonhomme, C., Bout, B.V. den, Jetten, V., Chebbo, G., 2017. Integrating atmospheric deposition, soil erosion and sewer transport models to assess the transfer of traffic-related pollutants in urban areas. Environmental Modelling and Software. (DOI:10.1016/j.envsoft.2017.06.047).
Hong, Y., Bonhomme, C., Le, M.-H., Chebbo, G., 2016. A new approach of monitoring and physically-based modelling to investigate urban wash-off process on a road catchment near Paris. Water Res. (DOI:10.1016/j.watres.2016.06.027). [Altmetric Score]
Recent Presentations:
Hong, Y., Li, C., Lemaire, B.J., Soulignac, F., Scarati Martins, J.R., Roguet, A., Lucas, F., Vinçon-Leite, B., 2018. An Integrated Approach for Assessing the Impact of Urban Stormwater Discharge on the Fecal Contamination in a Recreational Lake Near Paris. Presented at UDM2018, Palermo, Italy.
Hong, Y., B. Vinçon Leite, V. Tran Khac, F. Piccioni, D. Furstenau Plec, B. J. Lemaire, G. Hmimina, K. Soudani, C. Quiblier, J.-F. Humbert, 2018. Cyanobacteria blooms: Coupling high-frequency measurements and predictive modelling in a monitoring and early warning system. Presented at ICHA 2018, Nantes, France.
Hong, Y., Bonhomme, C., Bout, B.V. den, Jetten, V., Chebbo, G., 2017. An integrated air-surface-sewer modelling approach for assessing the transfer of traffic-related pollutants in urban areas. Presented at the ICUD2017, Prague, Czech Republic.