Heidi Purcell
Research Area Specialist Intermediate
4840 South State Street
Ann Arbor, MI 48108-9719
In the News:
- CIGLR’s Research Staff Provide Critical Information on Lake Erie’s Harmful Algal Blooms During the COVID-19 Pandemic, CIGLR Fall 2020 eNews, 12/22/2020
Photo Gallery
L-R: GLERL’s Remote Sensing Specialist Andrea Vander Woude and CIGLR Research Assistants Heidi Purcell and Deanna Fyffe enjoying the CIGLR Annual Partners Meeting poster session. Photo Credit: Michele Wensman.
Coastal observational data is used for a myriad of purposes. Resource managers often use it as a decision making tool, modelers and forecasters use it for verification, scientists use it in their research and citizens depend on it for safety and recreation. It is important to assure that the data that is being used is as precise and accurate as possible. Having worked with the NOAA funded Alliance for Coastal Technologies (ACT-us.info) for the last 15 years, I have helped to evaluate and verify observing instrument performance in a variety of coastal environments in the Great Lakes as well as coastal ocean. I have also worked with ACT and other programs to aid in the transition of observational instruments and platforms from the experimental realm into commercially viable products. I am currently working on the verification a quick detect microcystin toxin kit for use during Harmful Algal Blooms in Western Lake Erie.
- M.S.E. 2004, Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering, University of Michigan
- B.S.E. 2001, Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Michigan
Research Interests/Area of Expertise:
- Coastal Observation Technologies and Platforms
- Coastal Processes
- Water Quality Monitoring
Peer Reviewed
Anderson, H.S., T.H. Johengen, C.M. Godwin, H. Purcell, P.J. Alsip, S.A Ruberg, and L.A. Mason. 2021 Continuous In Situ Nutrient Analyzers Pinpoint the Onset and Rate of Internal P Loading under Anoxia in Lake Erie’s Central Basin. ACS ES&T Water. (DOI:10.1021/acsestwater.0c00138). [Altmetric Score]
Stauffer, B. A., H.A Bowers, E. Buckley, T.W. Davis, T.H. Johengen, R. Kudela, M. A. McManus, H. Purcell, G. J. Smith, A. Vander Woude, and M. N. Tamburri. 2019. Consideration in Harmful Algal Bloom Research and Monitoring: Perspectives from a Consensus Building Workshop and Technology Testing. Frontiers in Marine Science. 6:399. (DOI:103389/fmars.2019.00399). [Altmetric Score]
Luther, M., G. Meadows, E. Buckley, S. Gilbert, H. Purcell, and M. N. Tamburri. 2013. Verification of Wave Measurement Systems. Marine Technology Society Journal. 47(5):104-116. (DOI:10.4031/MTSJ.47.5.11).
Tamburri, M.N., T.H. Johengen, M.J Atkinson, D.W H. Schar, C.Y. Robertson, H. Purcell, G.J. Smith, A. Pinchuk, and E. N. Buckley. 2010. Alliance for Coastal Technologies: Advancing Moored pCO2 Instruments in Coastal Waters. Marine Technology Society Journal. 45(1):43-51. (DOI:10.4031/MTSJ.45.1.4). [Altmetric Score]
Brown, H., H. Purcell, and G. Meadows. Oceans 2010. The Upper-Great Lakes Observing System. IEEE Xplore. (DOI:10.1109/OCEANS.2010.5664501).
Book Chapter
Meadows, G., H. Purcell, D. Guenther, L. Meadows, R. Kinnunen, and G. Clark. Rip Currents in the Great Lakes: An Unfortunate Truth. Rip Currents Beach Safety, Physical Oceanography, and Wave Modeling, edited by S. Leatherman, and J. Fletemeyer. CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, 2011, 199-214.
ACT Reports
Johengen, T.H., H. Purcell, G.J. Smith, H. Bowers, D. Schar, T. Davis, M. Tamburri, D. Fyffe, and E. Buckley. 2020. Performance Demonstration Statement MBio HAB Toxin MC/CYN Gen 1 System. Alliance for Coastal Technologies.
Johengen, T.H., H. Purcell, G.J. Smith, H. Bowers, D. Schar, T. Davis, M. Tamburri, D. Fyffe, and E. Buckley. 2020. Performance Demonstration Statement Beacon Field Tube Kit. Alliance for Coastal Technologies.
Johengen, T.H., H. Purcell, G.J. Smith, H. Bowers, D. Schar, T. Davis, M. Tamburri, D. Fyffe, and E. Buckley. 2020. Performance Demonstration Statement Phytoxigene DionDTec and CyanoDTec Quantitative PCR Kits. Alliance for Coastal Technologies.
Johengen, T.H., H. Purcell, G.J. Smith, H. Bowers, D. Schar, T. Davis, M. Tamburri, D. Fyffe, and E. Buckley. 2019. Performance Verification Statement BBE Fluorometer. Alliance for Coastal Technologies.
Johengen, T.H., H. Purcell, G.J. Smith, H. Bowers, D. Schar, T. Davis, M. Tamburri, D. Fyffe, and E. Buckley. 2019. Performance Verification Statement Cyano Fluorometer. Alliance for Coastal Technologies.
Johengen, T.H., H. Purcell, G.J. Smith, H. Bowers, D. Schar, T. Davis, M. Tamburri, D. Fyffe, and E. Buckley. 2019. Performance Verification Statement PhytoFind Fluorometer. Alliance for Coastal Technologies.
Johengen, T.H., H. Purcell, G.J. Smith, H. Bowers, D. Schar, T. Davis, M. Tamburri, D. Fyffe, and E. Buckley. 2019. Performance Verification Statement JFE Fluorometer. Alliance for Coastal Technologies.