CILER research focuses on four themes aimed at improving scientific understanding and protection of key physical, chemical and biological processes to facilitate the restoration, protection, and management of Great Lakes natural resources.

Great Lakes Observing & Forecasting Systems
Great Lakes Observing & Forecasting Systems research focuses on providing observing system data and platforms, data management and communications, and data products and forecasts needed for effective environmental management, and for monitoring and understanding ecosystem responses to natural and anthropogenic conditions.

Invasive Species
Invasive Species research focuses on the prevention, monitoring, detection, and control of invasive species, and a better understanding of the range of their ecosystem impacts.

Ecological Risk Assessment
Ecological Risk Assessment research documents the causes and consequences of emerging physical, chemical and biological stressors in the Great Lakes basin that stem from industrial, domestic and municipal sources. Projects evaluate short- and long-term effects that multiple stressors have or could have on Great Lakes ecosystems.

Protection & Restoration of Ecosystem Services
Protection & Restoration of Ecosystem Services research supports research to protect, restore, or enhance priority coastal lands and water habitats throughout the Great Lakes basin.