2012 Publications
Anderson, E.J. and D.J. Schwab. 2012. Contaminant Transport and Spill Reference Tables for the St. Clair River. Marine Technology Society Journal. 46:34-47. (DOI:10.4031/MTSJ.46.5.4).
Bai, X. and J. Wang. 2012. Atmospheric teleconnection patterns associated with severe and least ice cover on the Great Lakes. Water Quality Research Journal of Canada. 47:421-435. (DOI:10.2166/wqrjc.2012.009).
Bai, X., J. Wang, C.E. Sellinger, A.H. Clites and R.A. Assell. 2012. Interannual variability of Great Lakes ice cover and its relationship to NAO and ENSO. Journal of Geophysical Research Oceans. 117(C03011). (DOI:10.1029/2010JC006932).
Beletsky, D., N. Hawley, Y Rao, H.A. Vanderploeg, R. Beletsky, D.J. Schwab and S.A. Ruberg. 2012. Summer thermal structure and anticyclonic circulation of Lake Erie. Geophysical Research Letters. 39:L06605. (DOI:10.1029/2012GL051002).
Cha, Y.K., C.A. Stow and E. Bernhardt. 2012. Impact of dreissenid mussel invasions on chlorophyll and total phosphorus in 25 lakes in the USA. Freshwater Biology. 58(1):192-206. (DOI:10.1111/fwb.12050).
Choi, J.; C.D. Troy; T. Hsieh and N.Hawley. 2012. A year of internal Poincaré Waves in Southern Lake Michigan. Journal of Geophysical Research. 117:C07014. (DOI:10.1029/2012JC007984).
Daloglu, I.; K.H. Cho and D. Scavia. 2012. Evaluating causes of trends in long-term dissolved reactive phosphorus loads to Lake Erie. Environmental Science and Technology. 46:10660-10666. (DOI:10.1021/es302315d).
Fry, L., D.W. Watkins, N. Reents, M.D. Rowe and J.R. Mihelcic. 2012. Climate change and development impacts on the sustainability of spring-fed water supply systems in the Alto Beni region of Bolivia. Journal of Hydrology. 468-469:120-129. (DOI:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2012.08.023).
Fujisaki, A., J. Wang, D. Schwab, H. Hu, N. Hawley and Y.R. Rao. 2012. A modeling study of ice-water processes for Lake Erie. Journal Great Lakes Research. 38:585-599. (DOI:10.1016/j.jglr.2012.09.021).
Ge, Z.; R.L. Whitman; M.B. Nevers and M.S. Phanikumar. 2012. Wave-induced Mass Transport Affects Daily Escherichia coli Fluctuations in Nearshore Water. Environmental and Science Technology. 46:2204-2211. (DOI:10.1021/es203847n).
Ge, Z.; R.L. Whitman; M.B. Nevers; M.S. Phanikumar and M.N. Byappanahalli. 2012. Nearshore Hydrodynamics as Loading and Forcing Factors for Escherichia coli Contamination at an Embayed Beach. Limnology and Oceanography. 57:362-381. (DOI:10.4319/lo.2012.57.1.0362).
Gronewold, A.D. and V. Fortin. 2012. Advancing Great Lakes Hydrological Science Through Targeted Binational Collaborative Research. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society. 93:1921-1925. (DOI:10.1175/BAMS-D-12-00006.1).
Han, H. and J.D. Allan. 2012. Uneven Rise in N Inputs to the Lake Michigan Basin over the 20th Century Corresponds to Agricultural and Societal Transition. Biogeochemistry. 109:175-187. (DOI:10.1007/s10533-011-9618-7).
Han, H., H.; N.S. Bosch and J.D. Allan. 2012. Historical Pattern of Phosphorus Loading to Lake Erie Watersheds. Journal of Great Lakes Research. 38:289-298. (DOI:10.1016/j.jglr.2012.03.004).
Hasselman, D.J. and K.E. Limburg. 2012. Alosine restoration in the 21st century: challenging the status quo. Marine and Coastal Fisheries. 4:174-187. (DOI:10.1080/19425120.2012.675968).
Hasselman, D.J.; R.A. Hinrichsen; B.A. Shields and C.C. Ebbesmeyer. 2012. American shad of the Pacific coast: a harmful invasive species or benign introduction? Fisheries. 37:117-124. (DOI:10.1080/03632415.2012.659941).
Hasselman, D.J.; R.A. Hinrichsen; B.A. Shields and C.C. Ebbesmeyer. 2012. The rapid establishment, dispersal, and increased abundance of invasive American shad in the Pacific Northwest. Fisheries. 37:103-114. (DOI:10.1080/03632415.2012.659938).
Holman, K.D.; A.D. Gronewold; M. Notaro and A. Zarrin. 2012. Improving historical precipitation estimates over the Lake Superior basin. Geophysical Research Letters. 39:L03405. (DOI:10.1029/2011GL050468).
Kerfoot, W.C.; F. Yousef; S.A. Green; R. Shuchman; C.N. Brooks; M. Sayers; B. Sabol and M. Graves. 2012. Light detection and ranging (LiDAR) and multispectral studies of disturbed Lake Superior coastal environments. Limnology and Oceanography. 57:749-771. (DOI:10.4319/lo.2012.57.3.0749).
Langseth, B.J., M. Roger and and H. Zhang. 2012. Modeling species invasions in Ecopath with Ecosim: An evaluation using Laurentian Great Lakes models. Ecological Modelling. 247:251-261. (DOI:10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2012.08.015).
Lozano, S.J and K. Birkett. 2012. Muskegon Lake Sediment Classification and Habitat Mapping. NOAA Technical Memorandum ERL GLERL.
Lou, L., J. Wang, D.J. Schwab, H.A. Vanderploeg, G.A. Leshkevich, X. Bai, H. Hu and D. Wang. 2012. Simulating the 1998 spring bloom in Lake Michigan using a coupled physical-biological model. Journal of Geophysical Research Oceans. 117(C10011):14pp. (DOI:10.1029/2012JC008216).
Meals, D.W.; P. Richards; R. Confesor; K. Czajkowski; J. Bonnell; D.L. Osmond; D.L.K. Hoag; J. Spooner and M.L. McFarland. 2012. Ch. 18. Rock Creek Watershed, Ohio: National Institute of Food and Agriculture–Conservation Effects Assessment Project. How to build better agricultural conservation programs to protect water quality: The National Institute of Food and Agriculture-Conservation Effects Assessment Project experience. Soil and Water Conservation Society, Ankeny, Iowa.
Millie, D.F.; G.R. Weckman; W.F. Young II; J.E. Ivey and G.L. Fahnenstiel. 2012. Modeling microalgal abundance with artificial neural networks: Demonstration of a heuristic ‘grey-box’ to deconvolve and quantify environmental influences. Ecological Modeling and Software. 38:27-39. (DOI:10.1016/j.envsoft.2012.04.009).
Pothoven, S.A.; H.A. Vanderploeg; D.M. Warner; J.S. Schaeffer; S.A. Ludsin; R.M. Claramunt and T.F. Nalepa. 2012. Influences on Bythotrephes longimanus life-history characteristics in the Great Lakes. Journal of Great Lakes Research. 38:134-141. (DOI:10.1016/j.jglr.2011.10.003).
Roberts, J.J., PA Grecay, S.A. Ludsin, S.A. Pothoven, H.A. Vanderploeg and T.O Hook. 2012. Evidence of hypoxic foraging forays by yellow perch (Perca flavescens) and potential consequences for prey consumption. Freshwater Biology. 57:922-937. (DOI:10.1111/j.1365-2427.2012.02753.x).
Sharpley, A.P.; P. Richards; S.Herron and D. Baker. 2012. Case study comparison between litigated and voluntary management strategies. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation. 67:442-450. (DOI:10.2489/jswc.67.5.442).
Vanderploeg, H.A.; S.A. Pothoven; G L. Fahnenstiel; J.F. Cavaletto; J.R. Liebig; T.F. Nalepa; C.P. Madenjian and D.B. Bunnell. 2012. Seasonal zooplankton dynamics in Lake Michigan: Disentangling impacts of resource limitation, ecosystem engineering, and predation during a critical transition. Journal of Great Lakes Research. 38:336-352. (DOI:10.1016/j.jglr.2012.02.005).
Wang, J., R.A. Assel, S. Walterscheid, A.H. Clites and X. Bai. 2012. Great Lakes ice climatology update: Winter 2006-2011. Description of the digital ice cover dataset. NOAA Technical Memorandum GLERL-155. NOAA Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, Ann Arbor, MI, 37 pp.
Wang, J., X. Bai, H. Hu, A.H. Clites, M.C. Colton and B.M. Lofgren. 2012. Temporal and spatial variability of Great Lakes ice cover; 1973-2010. Journal of Climate. 25(4):1318-1329. (DOI:10.1175/2011JCLI4066.1).
Wang, J., X. Bai, D. Wang, D. Wang, H. Hu and X.Y. Yang. 2012. Impacts of the Siberian High and Arctic Oscillation on the East Asia winter monsoon: Driving downwelling in the western Bering Sea. Aquatic Ecosystem Health and Management. 15(1):20-30. (DOI:10.1080/14634988.2012.648860).
Wang, T.N.; S.A. Bailey; D.F. Reid; T.H. Johengen; P.T. Jenkins; C.J. Wiley and H.J. Macisaac. 2012. Efficacy of NaCl brine for treatment of ballast water against freshwater invasions. Journal of Great Lakes Research. 38:72-77. (DOI:10.1016/j.jglr.2011.10.001).
Wang, H.-Y., D. Einhouse, D.G. Fileder, L.G. Rudstam, C.S. Vandergoot, A.J. VanDeValk, T.G. Zorn and T.O.Hook. 2012. Maternal and stock effects on egg-size variation among walleye Sander vitreus stocks from the Great Lakes region. Journal of Great Lakes Research. 38:477-489. (DOI:10.1016/j.jglr.2012.06.002).