2017 Publications

Adamack, A.T.; K.A. Rose and C.F. Cerco. 2017. Simulating the Effects of Nutrient Loading Rates and Hypoxia on Bay Anchovy in Chesapeake Bay Using Coupled Hydrodynamic, Water Quality, and Individual-Based Fish Models. Modeling Coastal Hypoxia. 319-357. (DOI:10.1007/978-3-319-54571-4_12).

Anderson, E.J and D.J. Schwab. 2017. Meteorological influence on summertime baroclinic exchange in the Straits of Mackinac. Journal of Geophysical Research. 122:2171–2182. (DOI:10.1002/2016JC012255).

Beletsky, D., R. Beletsky, E.S. Rutherford, J.L. Sieracki, J.M. Bossenbroek, W.L. Chadderton, M.E. Wittmann and D.M. Lodge. 2017. Predicting spread of aquatic invasive species by lake currents. Journal of Great Lakes Research. 43(3):14-32. (DOI:10.1016/j.jglr.2017.02.001).

Berry, M.A., T.W. Davis, R.M. Cory, M.B. Duhaime, T.H. Johengen, C.L. Kling, J.A. Marino, P.A. Den Uyl, D.C. Gossiaux, G.J. Dick and V.J. Denef. 2017. Cyanobacterial harmful algal blooms are a biological disturbance to western Lake Erie bacterial communities. Environmental Microbiology.19(Thematic Issue on Environmental Glycerol Metabolism):1149-1162. (DOI:10.1111/1462-2920.13640).

Berry, M.A., J.D. White, T.W. Davis, S. Jain, T.H. Johengen, G.J. Dick, O. Sarnelle and V.J. Denef. 2017. Are oligotypes meaningful ecological and phylogenetic units? A case study of Microcystis in freshwater lakes. Frontiers in Microbiology. 8:365. (DOI:10.3389/fmicb.2017.00365).

Bertania, I., C.E. Stegera, D.R. Obenour, G.L. Fahnenstiel, T.B.Bridgeman, T.H.Johengen, M.J.Sayers, R.A. Shuchman and D. Scavia. 2017. Tracking cyanobacteria blooms: Do different monitoring approaches tell the same story? Science of the Total Environment. 575:294-308. (DOI:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2016.10.023).

Biddanda, B.A. 2017. Global significance of the changing freshwater carbon cycle. EOS. 98. (DOI:10.1029/2017EO069751).

Biddanda, B.; A. Weinke and S. Kendall. 2017. Michigan’s Muskegon Lake Observatory Buoy. Postcards from the Field. EOS. 98:48. 

Butts, E. and H.J. Carrick. 2017. Phytoplankton Seasonality along a Trophic Gradient of Temperate Lakes: Convergence in Taxonomic Compostion during Winter Ice-Cover. Northeastern Naturalist. 24:B167-B187. (DOI:10.1656/045.024.s719).

Cable, R.N., D. Beletsky, R. Beletsky, B.W. Locke, K. Wigginton and M.B. Duhaime. 2017. Distribution and modeled transport of plastic pollution in the Great Lakes, the world’s largest freshwater resource. Frontiers in Environmental Science. (DOI:10.3389/fenvs.2017.00045).

Carrick, H.J.; E. Cafferty; A. Ilacqua; S. Pothoven and G.L. Fahnenstiel. 2017. Seasonal Abundance, Biomass and Morphological Diversity of Picoplankton in Lake Superior: Importance of Water Column Mixing. International Journal of Hydrology. 1:1-14. (DOI:10.15406/ijh.2017.01.00034).

Collingsworth, P.D.; D.B. Bunnell; M.W. Murray; Y.C. Kao; Z.S. Feiner; R.M. Claramunt; B.M. Lofgren; T.O. Hook; S.A. Ludsin. 2017. Climate change as a long-term stressor for the fisheries of the Laurentian Great Lakes of North America. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries. 27:363-391. (DOI:10.1007/s11160-017-9480-3).

Cory, R.; T.W. Davis; G.J. Dick; T.H. Johengen; V.J. Denef; M.A. Berry; S.E. Page; S.B. Watson; K. Yuhas and G.W. Kling. 2017. Corrigendum: Seasonal Dynamics in Dissolved Organic Matter, Hydrogen Peroxide, and Cyanobacterial Blooms in Lake Erie. Frontiers in Marine Science. 4:1-2. (DOI:10.3389/fmars.2017.00377).

Denef, V.J., H.J. Carrick, J. Cavaletto, E. Chiang, T.H. Johengen and H.A. Vanderploeg. 2017. Lake Bacterial Assemblage Composition Is Sensitive to Biological Disturbance Caused by an Invasive Filter Feeder. mSphere. 2(3) e00189-17. (DOI:10.1128/mSphere.00189-17).

Duffy, J.E., C.M. Godwin and B.J. Cardinale. 2017. Biodiversity effects in the wild are common and as strong as key drivers of productivity. Nature. (DOI:10.1038/nature23886). [Press ReleasePress Release]

Forrest, D. 2017. Virginia Institute of Marine Science Forecast: Gulf of Mexico Dead Zone. Viriginia Institute of Marine Science.

Fries, K. and B. Kerez. 2017. Big Ship Data: Using vessel measurements to improve estimates of temperature and wind speed on the Great Lakes. Water Resources Research. 52:3662-3679. (DOI:10.1002/2016WR020084).

Fujisaki-Manome, A., L. Fitzpatrick, A.D. Gronewold, E.J. Anderson, C. Spence, J. Chen, C. Shao, D. Wright, C. Xiao and B.M. Lofgren 2017. Turbulent Heat Fluxes during an Extreme Lake Effect Snow Event. Journal of Hydrometeorology. 18(12):3145-3163. (DOI:10.1175/JHM-D-17-0062.1).

Fusaro, A.; E. Baker; W. Conrad; A. Davidson; K. Dettloff; J. Li; G. Nunez-Mir; R. Sturtevant and E. Rutherford. 2017. A risk assessment of potential Great Lakes aquatic invaders. NOAA Technical Memorandum GLERL-169.

Fusaro, A.; A. Davidson; K. Alame; M. Gappy; M. Arnaout; W. Conard; P. Alsip. 2017. Cherax destructor (Clark, 1936). NOAA Great Lakes Aquatic Nonindigenous Species Information System

Fusaro, A.; A. Davidson; K. Alame; M. Gappy; E. Baker; G. Nunez; J. Larson; W. Conard and P. Alsip. 2017. Crassula helmsii (Kirk) Cockayne. University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science Integration & Application Network.

Fusaro, A.; A. Davidson; K. Alame; M. Gappy; E. Baker; G. Nunez; J. Larson; W. Conard and P. Alsip. 2017. Limnoperna fortune. University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science Integration & Application Network.

Fusaro, A.; A. Davidson; K. Alame; M. Gappy; W. Conard and P. Alsip. 2017. Osmerus eperlanus (Linnaeus, 1758). NOAA Great Lakes Aquatic Nonindigenous Species Information System.

Fusaro, A.; A. Davidson; K. Alame; M. Gappy; W. Conard and P. Alsip. 2017. Pseudorasbora parva (Temminck and Schlegel, 1846). NOAA Great Lakes Aquatic Nonindigenous Species Information System.

Fusaro, A.; A. Davidson; K. Alame; M. Gappy; W. Conard and P. Alsip. 2017. Stratiotes aloides (Linnaeus, 1758). NOAA Great Lakes Aquatic Nonindigenous Species Information System.

Gill, D.; T. Ming and W. Ouyang. 2017. Improving the Lake Erie HAB Tracker: A Forecasting & Decision Support Tool for Harmful Algal Blooms. University of Michigan. (DOI:2027.42/136562).

Goto, D.; J.J. Roberts; S.A. Pothoven; S.A. Ludsin; H.A. Vanderploeg; S.B. Brandt and T.O. Hook. 2017. Author Correction to: Size-mediated control of perch–midge coupling in Lake Erie transient dead zones. Environmental Biology of Fishes. 100:1601-1601. (DOI:10.1007/s10641-017-0683-1).

Goto, D.; J.J. Roberts; S.A. Pothoven; S.A. Ludsin; H.A. Vanderploeg; S.B. Brandt and T.O. Hook. 2017. Size-mediated control of perch–midge coupling in Lake Erie transient dead zones. Environmental Biology of Fishes. 100:1587-1600. (DOI:10.1007/s10641-017-0667-1).

Grand, M.M., G.S. Clinton-Bailey, A.D. Beaton, A.M. Schaap, T.H. Johengen, M.N. Tamburri, D.P. Connelly, M.C. Mowlem and E.P. Achterberg. 2017. A Lab-On-Chip Phosphate Analyzer for Long-term In Situ Monitoring at Fixed Observatories: Optimization and Performance Evaluation in Estuarine and Oligotrophic Coastal Waters. Frontiers in Marine Science. 4:255. (DOI:10.3389/fmars.2017.00255).

Howard, V.; E. Baker; J. Li and P. Alsip. 2017. Pistia stratiotes Linnaeus. NOAA Great Lakes Aquatic Nonindigenous Species Information System.

Jeyasingh, P.D., J. Goos, S. Thompson, C.M. Godwin and J. Cotner. 2017. Ecological stoichiometry beyond Redfield: An ionomic perspective on elemental homeostasis. Frontiers in Microbiology. (DOI:10.3389/fmicb.2017.00722).

Kramer, A.M., G. Annis, M.E. Wittmann, W.L. Chadderton, E.S. Rutherford, D.M. Lodge, L.A. Mason, D. Beletsky, C. Riseng and J.M. Drake. 2017. Suitability of Great Lakes for aquatic invasive species based on global species distribution models and local aquatic habitat. Ecosphere. 8(7). (DOI:10.1002/ecs2.1883).

Lance, V. and H. Gu. 2017. Results of analysis comparing CPA-A retrievals on MODIS and VIIRS as a precursor to the transfer of the CPA-A to NESDIS. 

Lekki, J.; G. Leshkevich; S.A. Ruberg; D. Stuart and A. Vander Woude. 2017. Airborne Hyperspectral Sensing of Harmful Algal Blooms in the Great Lakes Region: System Calibration and Validation. From Photons to Algae Information: The Processes In-Between. NASA -Technical Memorandum NASA/TM—2017-219071.

Liu, Y.; B.A. Engel; P.D. Collingsworth and B.C. Pijanowski. 2017. Optimal implementation of green infrastructure practices to minimize influences of land use change and climate change on hydrology and water quality: Case study in Spy Run Creek watershed, Indiana. Science of the Total Environment. 601:1400-1411. (DOI:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2016.02.116).

Luscz, E.C.; A.D. Kendall and D.W. Hyndman. 2017. A spatially explicit statistical model to quantify nutrient sources, pathways, and delivery at the regional scale. Biogeochemistry. 133:37-57. (DOI:10.1007/s10533-017-0305-1).

Lyubchich, V.; M.A. Evans; D. Scavia and J. Testa. 2017. 2016 Chesapeake Bay Summer Review. University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science Integration & Application Network. 

Marcus, D.N.; A. Pinto; K. Anantharaman; S.A. Ruberg; E.L. Kramer; L. Raskin and G.L. Dick. 2017. Diverse manganese(II)-oxidizing bacteria are prevalent in drinking water systems. Environmental Microbiology Reports. 9:120-128. (DOI:10.1111/1758-2229.12508).

Marcus, D.N.; A. Pinto; K. Anantharaman; S.A. Ruberg; E.L. Kramer; L. Raskin and G.L. Dick. 2017. Diverse manganese(II)-oxidizing bacteria are prevalent in drinking water systems. Environmental Microbiology Reports. 9:120-128. (DOI:10.1111/1758-2229.12508).

Meyer, K.A.; T.W. Davis; S.B. Watson; V.J. Denef; M.A. Berry; G.J. Dick. 2017. Genome sequences of lower Great Lakes Microcystis sp. reveal strain-specific genes that are present and expressed in western Lake Erie blooms. Plos One. 12:1-21. (DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0183859).

Moore T.S., C.B. Mouw, J.M. Sullivan, M.S. Twardowski, A.M. Burtner, A.B. Ciochetto, M.N. McFarland, A.R. Nayak, D. Paladino, N.D. Stockley, T.H. Johengen, A.W. Yu, S. Ruberg and A. Weidemann. 2017. Bio-optical Properties of Cyanobacteria Blooms in Western Lake Erie. Frontiers in Marine Science. 4:300. (DOI:10.3389/fmars.2017.00300).

Nguyen, T.D.; N. Hawley and M.S. Phanikumar. 2017. Ice cover, winter circulation, and exchange in Saginaw Bay and Lake Huron. Limnology and Oceanography. 62:376-393. (DOI:10.1002/lno.10431). 

Nojavan A., F.; S.S. Qian and C.A. Stow. 2017. Comparative analysis of discretization methods in Bayesian networks. Environmental Modelling & Software. (DOI:10.1016/j.envsoft.2016.10.007).

Omrani, H.; A. Tayyebi and B. Pijanowski. 2017. Integrating the multi-label land-use concept and cellular automata with the artificial neural network-based Land Transformation Model: an integrated ML-CA-LTM modeling framework. GIScience and Remote Sensing. 54:283-304. (DOI:10.1080/15481603.2016.1265706). 

Phillips, K., C.M. Godwin and J.B. Cotner. 2017. The effects of nutrient imbalances and temperature on the biomass stoichiometry of freshwater bacteria. Frontiers in Microbiology. (DOI:10.3389/fmicb.2017.01692).

Reisinger, L.S.; A.K. Elgin; K.M. Towle; D.J. Chan and D.M. Lodge. 2017. The influence of evolution and plasticity on the behavior of an invasive crayfish. Biological Invasions. 19:815-830. (DOI:10.1007/s10530-016-1346-4).

Rowe, M.D.; E.J. Anderson; H.A. Vanderploeg; S.A. Pothoven; A.K. Elgin; J. Wang and F. Yousef. 2017. Influence of invasive quagga mussels, phosphorus loads, and climate on spatial and temporal patterns of productivity in Lake Michigan: A biophysical modeling study. Limnology and Oceanography. 62:2629-2649. (DOI:10.1002/lno.10595).


Safaie, A.; C. Dang; H. Qiu; H. Radha and M.S. Phanikumar. 2017. Manifold methods for assimilating geophysical and meteorological data in Earth system models and their components. Journal of Hyrodology. 544:383-396. (DOI:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2016.11.009).

Scavia, D.; I. Bertani; C. Long; Y.C. Wang and D. Obenour. 2017. Chesapeake Bay Hypoxic Volume Forecasts. University of Michigan.

Scavia, D.; I. Bertani; C. Long; Y.C. Wang and D. Obenour. 2017. 2017 Gulf of Mexico Hypoxia Forecast. University of Michigan.

Scavia, D.; I. Bertani; D.R. Obenour; R.E. Turner; D.R. Forrest and A. Katin. 2017. Ensemble modeling informs environmental policy making: The case of hypoxia in the northern Gulf of Mexico. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 114:8823-8828. (DOI:10.1073/pnas.1705293114).

Shuchman, R; K. Bosse, M. Sayers; G. Fahnenstiel and G. Leshkevich. 2017. Satellite Observed Water Quality Changes in the Laurentian Great Lakes Due to Invasive Species, Anthropogenic Forcing, and Climate Change. 37th International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment. (DOI:10.5194/isprs-archives-XLII-3-W2-189-2017).

Smith, J.P., R.J. Miller, R.W. Muzzi, S.A. Constant, K.S. Beadle, D.A. Palladino, T.H. Johengen and S.A. Ruberg. 2017.  An Implementation of a Database Management System for Real-Time Large-Lake Observations. Marine Technology Society Journal. 51(6). (DOI:10.4031/MTSJ.51.6.2).

Staley, C.; T. Kaiser; M.L. Gidley; I.C. Enochs; P.R. Jones; K.D. Goodwin; C.D. Sinigalliano; M.J. Sadowsky and C.L. Chun. 2017. Differential impacts of land-based sources of pollution on the microbiota of southeast Florida coral reefs. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 83:1-16. (DOI:10.1128/AEM.03378-16).

Steffen, M.M., T.W. Davis, R. Michael, L. McKay∥, G.S. Bullerjahn, L.E. Krausfeldt, J.M.A. Stough, M.L. Neitzey, N.E. Gilbert, G.L. Boyer, T.H. Johengen, D.C. Gossiaux, A.M. Burtner, D. Palladino, M.D. Rowe, G.J. Dick, K.A. Meyer, S. Levy, B.E. Boone, R.P. Stumpf, T.T. Wynne, P.V. Zimba, D. Gutierrez and S.W. Wilhelm. 2017. Ecophysiological Examination of the Lake Erie Microcystis Bloom in 2014: Linkages between Biology and the Water Supply Shutdown of Toledo, OH. Environmental Science and Technology. 51(12), pp.6745-6755. (DOI:10.1021/acs.est.7b00856).

Steinman, A.D.; B.J. Cardinale; W.R. Munns Jr.; M.E. Ogdahl; J.D. Allan; T. Angadi; S. Bartlett; K. Brauman; M. Byappanahalli; M. Doss; D. Dupont; A. Johns; D. Kashian; F. Lupi; P. McIntyre; T. Miller; M. Moore; R.L. Muenich; R. Poudel; J. Price; B. Provencher; A. Rea; J. Read; S. Renzetti; B. Sohngen; E. Washburn. 2017. Ecosystem Services in the Great Lakes. Journal of Great Lakes Research. 43:161-168. (DOI:10.1016/j.jglr.2017.02.004).

Sturtevant, R. 2017. Impacts of Aquatic Invasive Species sub-indicator report. State of the Great Lakes 2017 Technical Report. 350-359.

Sturtevant, R. 2017. State of the Great Lakes: Highlights Report. Binational.net.

Syberg, K.; F.R. Khan; H. Selck; A. Palmqvist; G.T. Banta; J. Daley; L. Sano and M.B. Duhaime. 2017. Microplastics: Addressing Ecological Risk Through Lessons Learned. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. Microplastics in the Aquatic Environment: Fate and Effects. 945-953. (DOI:10.1002/etc.2914).

Testa, J. and S. Lyubchich. 2017. Chesapeake Bay Anoxia Forecasts. University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science Integration & Application Network.

Testa, J.M.; J.B. Clark; W.C. Dennison; E.C. Donovan; A.W. Fisher; W. Ni; M. Parker; D. Scavia; S.E. Spitzer; A.M. Waldrop; V.M.D. Vargas and G. Ziegler. 2017. Ecological Forecasting and the Science of Hypoxia in Chesapeake Bay. BioScience. 67:614-626. (DOI:10.1093/biosci/bix048).

Turner, R.E. and N.N. Rabalais. 2017. 2017 Forecast: Summer Hypoxic Zone Size Northern Gulf of Mexico. gulfhypoxia.net.

Tayyebi, A.; S.J. Smidt and B.C. Pijanowski. 2017. Long-Term Land Cover Data for the Lower Peninsula of Michigan, 2010–2050. Data. 2:16. (DOI:10.3390/data2020016).

Vanderploeg, H.A., O. Sarnelle, J.R. Liebig, N.R. Morehead, S.D. Robinson, T.H. Johengen and G.P. Horst. 2017. Seston quality drives feeding, stoichiometry and excretion of zebra mussels. Freshwater Biology. 62:664-680. (DOI:10.1111/fwb.12892).

Wang, J.; J. Kessler; F. Hang; H. Hu; A.H. Clites and P. Chu. 2017. Analysis of Great Lakes Ice Cover Climatology: Winters 2012-2017. NOAA Technical Memorandum GLERL-171.

Wang, J.; J. Kessler; F. Hang; H. Hu; A.H. Clites and P. Chu. 2017. Great Lakes Ice Climatology Update of Winters 2012-2017: Seasonal Cycle, Interannual Variability, Decadal Variability, and Trend for the period 1973-2017. NOAA Technical Memorandum GLERL-170.

Winslow, L.A.; G.J.A. Hansen; J.S. Read and M. Notaro. 2017. Large-scale modeled contemporary and future water temperature estimates for 10774 Midwestern U.S. lakes. Nature: Scientific Data. 1-11. (DOI:10.1038/sdata.2017.53).

Wittman, M.E., G. Annis, A.M. Kramer, L.A. Mason, C.M. Riseng, E.S. Rutherford, W.L. Chadderton, D. Beletsky, J.M. Drake and D.M. Lodge. 2017. Refining species distribution model outputs using landscape-scale habitat data: Forecasting grass carp and Hydrilla establishment in the Great Lakes region. Journal of Great Lakes Research. 4(2):298-301. (DOI:10.1016/j.jglr.2016.09.008).

Xue, P.; J.S. Pai; X. Ye; J.D. Lenters; C. Huang and P.Y. Chu. 2017. Improving the Simulation of Large Lakes in Regional Climate Modeling: Two-way Lake-atmosphere Coupling with a 3-D Hydrodynamic Model of the Great Lakes. Journal of Climate. 30:1605-1627. (DOI:10.1175/JCLI-D-16-0225.1).

Xue, P.; D.J. Schwab; R.W. Sawtell; M.J. Sayers; R.A. Shuchman and G.L. Fahnenstiel. 2017. A particle-tracking technique for spatial and temporal interpolation of satellite images applied to Lake Superior chlorophyll measurements. Journal of Great Lakes Research. 43:1-13. (DOI:10.1016/j.jglr.2017.03.012).