2018 Publications

Anderson, E.J., A. Fujisaki-Manome, J. Kessler, Y.P. Chu, J. Kelley, G. Lang, Y. Chen and Wang. 2018. Ice Forecasting in the Next-Generation Great Lakes Operational Forecast System (GLOFS). Journal of Marine Science and Engineering. 6(123). (DOI:10.3390/jmse6040123).

Bartlett, S.L.; S.L. Brunner; J.V. Klump; Erin M. Houghton and T.R.J. Miller. 2018. Spatial analysis of toxic or otherwise bioactive cyanobacterial peptides in Green Bay, Lake Michigan. Journal of Great Lakes Research. 44:924-933. (DOI:10.1016/j.jglr.2018.08.016).

Biddanda, B.A.; A.D. Weinke; S.T. Kendall; L.C. Gereaux; T.M. Holcomb; M.J. Snider; D.K. Dila; S.A. Long; C. VandenBerg; K. Knapp; D.J. Koopmans; K. Thompson; J.H. Vail; M.E. Ogdahl; Q. Liu; T.J. Johengen; E.J. Anderson and S.A. Ruberg. 2018. Chronicles of Hypoxia: Timeseries buoy observations reveal annually recurring seasonal basin-wide bottom water hypoxia in Muskegon Lake Area of Concern – a Great Lakes estuary. Journal of Great Lakes Research. 44:219-229. (DOI:10.1016/j.jglr.2017.12.008).

Chaffin, J.D.; T.W. Davis; D.J. Smith; M.M. Baer and G.J. Dick. 2018. Interactions between nitrogen form, loading rate, and light intensity on Microcystis and Planktothrix growth and microcystin production. Harmful Algae. 73:84-97. (DOI:10.1016/j.hal.2018.02.001).

Charusombat, U., A. Fujisaki-Manome, A.D. Gronewold, B.M. Lofgren, E.J. Anderson, P.D. Blanken, C. Spence, J.D. Lenters, C. Xiao, L.E. Fitzpatrick and G. Cutrell. 2018. Validating modeled turbulent heat fluxes across large freshwater surfaces. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences. 22:5559-5578. (DOI:10.5194/hess-22-5559-2018).

Chiang, E., M.L. Schmidt, M.A. Berry, B.A. Biddanda, A. Burtner, T.H. Johengen, D. Palladino and V.J. Denef. 2018. Verrucomicrobia are prevalent in north-temperate freshwater lakes and display class-level preferences between lake habitats. PLoS ONE. 13(10):e0206396. (DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0206396).

Chiang, E.; M. Schmidt; M. Berry; B. Biddanda; A. Burtner; T. Johengen; D. Palladino and V. Denef. 2018. Correction: Verrucomicrobia are prevalent in north-temperate freshwater lakes and display class-level preferences between lake habitats. PLOS ONE. 13: e0206396. (DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0206396).

Driscoll, C.B.; K.A. Meyer; S. Sulcius; N.M. Brown; G.J. Dick; H. Cao; G. Giasunas; A. Timinskas; Y. Yin; Z.C. Landry; T.G. Otten; T.W. Davis; S.B. Watson and T.W. Dreher. 2018. A closely-related Glade of globally distributed bloom-forming cyanobacteria within the Nostocales. Harmful Algae. 77:93-107. (DOI:10.1016/j.hal.2018.05.009).

First, M.R.; S.H. Robbins-Wamsley; S.C. Riley; V. Molina; C.S. Moser; T.H. Johengen; H. Purcell; G.J. Smith; M.N. Tamburri; K.J. Carney; E.N. Buckley; A.A. Cangelosi; E.D. Reavie and L.A. Drake. 2018. A test of the framework designed to evaluate compliance monitoring devices for ballast water discharge. Management of Biological Invasions. 9:505-513. (DOI:10.3391/mbi.2018.9.4.13).

Gill, D.; M.D. Rowe and S.J. Joshi. 2018. Fishing in greener waters: understanding the impact of harmful algal blooms on Lake Erie anglers and the potential for adoption of a forecast model. Journal of Environmental Management. 227:248-255. (DOI:10.1016/j.jenvman.2018.08.074).

Glaspie, C.N.; M.A. Clouse; A.T. Adamack; Y.K. Cha; S.A. Ludsin; D.M. Mason; M.R. Roman; C.A. Stow and S.B. Brandt. 2018. Effect of Hypoxia on Diet of Atlantic Bumpers in the Northern Gulf of Mexico. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society. 147:740-748. (DOI:10.1002/tafs.10063).

Hasselman, D.J.; P. Bentzen; S.R. Narum and T.P. Quinn. 2018. Formation of population genetic structure following the introduction and establishment of non-native American shad (Alosa sapidissima) along the Pacific Coast of North America. Biological Invasions. 20:3123-3143. (DOI:10.1007/s10530-018-1763-7).

Hawley, N., D. Beletsky and J. Wang. 2018. Ice thickness measurements in Lake Erie during the winter of 2010–2011. Journal of Great Lakes Research. 44(3):388-397. (DOI:10.1016/j.jglr.2018.04.004).

Karatayev, A.Y.; V. Karatayev; L.E. Burlakova; M.D. Rowe; K. Mehler and M.D. Clapsadl. 2018. Food depletion regulates the demography of invasive dreissenid mussels in a stratified lake. Limnology and Oceanography. 63:2065-2079. (DOI:10.1002/lno.10924).

Kitchens, C.M., T.H. Johengen and T.W. Davis. 2018. Establishing spatial and temporal patterns in Microcystis sediment seed stock viability and their relationship to subsequent bloom development in Western Lake Erie. PLoS ONE. 13(11):e0206821. (DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0206821).

Klump, J.V.; J. Bratton; K. Fermanich; P. Forsythe; H.J. Harris; R.W. Howe and J.L. Kaster. 2018. Green Bay, Lake Michigan: A proving ground for Great Lakes restoration. Journal of Great Lakes Research. 44:825-828. (DOI:10.1016/j.jglr.2018.08.002).

Kocovsky, P.M.; R. Sturtevant and J. Schardt. 2018. What it is to be established: policy and management implications for non-native and invasive species. Management of Biological Invasions. 9:177-185. (DOI:10.3391/mbi.2018.9.3.01).

Kramer, B.J.; T.W. Davis; K.A. Meyer; B.H. Rosen; J.A. Goleski; G.J. Dick; G. Oh and C.J. Gobler. 2018. Nitrogen limitation, toxin synthesis potential, and toxicity of cyanobacterial populations in Lake Okeechobee and the St. Lucie River Estuary, Florida, during the 2016 state of emergency event. PLOS One. 13:1-26. (DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0196278).

Linares, Á.; C.H. Wu; E.J. Anderson and P.Y. Chu. 2018. Role of Meteorologically Induced Water Level Oscillations on Bottom Shear Stress in Freshwater Estuaries in the Great Lakes. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans. 123:4970-4987. (DOI:10.1029/2017JC013741).

Liu, Q.; E.J. Anderson; Y. Zhang; A.D. Weinke; K.L. Knapp and B.A. Biddanda. 2018. Modeling reveals the role of coastal upwelling and hydrologic inputs on biologically distinct water exchanges in a Great Lakes estuary. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 209:41-55. (DOI:10.1016/j.ecss.2018.05.014).

Nummer, S.A.; A.J. Weeden; C. Shaw; N.K. Snyder; T.B. Bridgeman and S.S. Qian. 2018. Updating the ELISA standard curve fitting process to reduce uncertainty in estimated microcystin concentrations. MethodsX. 5:304-311. (DOI:10.1016/j.mex.2018.03.011).

Props, R.; M.L. Schmidt; J. Heyse; H.A. Vanderploeg; N. Boon and V.J. Denef. 2018. Flow cytometric monitoring of bacterioplankton phenotypic diversity predicts high population-specific feeding rates by invasive dreissenid mussels. Environmental Microbiology. 20:521–534. (DOI:10.1111/1462-2920.13953).

Scholin, C.; J. Birch; S. Jensen; R. Marin III; E. Massion; D. Pargett; C. Preston; B. Roman and W. Ussler III. 2018. The quest to develop ecogenomic sensors: A 25-year history of the Environmental Sample Processor (ESP) as a case study. Oceanography. 30:100-113. (DOI:10.5670/oceanog.2017.427).

Shen, C.; Q. Liao; H.A. Bootsma; C.D. Troy and D. Cannon. 2018. Regulation of plankton and nutrient dynamics by profundal quagga mussels in Lake Michigan: A one dimensional model. Hydrobiologia. 815:47-63. (DOI:10.1016/j.jglr.2019.03.011).

Smith, J. and A. Gronewold. 2018. Development and analysis of a Bayesian water balance model for large lake systems. arXiv preprint arXiv:1710.10161. (DOI:arXiv:1710.10161v4).

Villar-Argaiz, M.; J.M. Medina-Sanchez; B.A. Biddanda and P. Carrillo. 2018. Predominant Non-additive Effects of Multiple Stressors on Autotroph C:N:P Ratios Propagate in Freshwater and Marine Food Webs. Frontiers in Microbiology: Aquatic Microbiology. 9:69. (DOI:10.3389/fmicb.2018.00069).

Wang, J.; J. Kessler; X. Bai; A.M. Clites; B.M. Lofgren; A. Assuncao; J. Bratton; P. Chu and G.A. Leshkevich. 2018. Decadal Variability of Great Lakes Ice Cover in Response to AMO and PDO, 1963–2017. Journal of Climate. 31:7249-7269. (DOI:10.1175/JCLI-D-17-0283.1).

Watters, A.M.; F.E. Rowland and R.D. Semlitsch. 2018. Larval salamanders are as effective at short-term mosquito predation as mosquitofish. Canadian Journal of Zoology. 96:1165-1169. (DOI:10.1139/cjz-2017-0267).

Weinke, A.D.; B.A. Biddanda. 2018. From bacteria to fish: ecological consequences of seasonal hypoxia in a Great Lakes estuary. Journal of Great Lakes Research. 21:426-442. (DOI:10.1007/s10021-017-0160-x).

Weiskerger, C.J.; M.D. Rowe; C.A. Stow; D. Stuart and T. Johengen. 2018. Application of the Beer-Lambert model to attenuation of photosynthetically active radiation in a shallow, eutrophic lake. Water Resources Research. 54:8952-8962. (DOI:10.1029/2018WR023024).

Xiao, C.; B.M. Lofgren; J. Wang. 2018. WRF-based assessment of the Great Lakes’ impact on cold season synoptic cyclones. Atmospheric Research 214:189-203. (DOI:10.1016/j.atmosres.2018.07.020).

Xiao, C.; B.M. Lofgren; J. Wang and P.Y. Chu. 2018. A Dynamical Downscaling Projection of Future Climate Change in the Laurentian Great Lakes Region Using a Coupled Air-Lake Model. Atmosphere (Preprints). (DOI:10.20944/preprints201807.0468.v1).

Zhang, J.; H. Qiu; X. Li; J. Niu; M.B. Nevers; X. Hu and M.S. Phanikumar. 2018. Real-Time Nowcasting of Microbiological Water Quality at Recreational Beaches: A Wavelet and Artificial Neural Network-Based Hybrid Modeling Approach. Environmental Science & Technology. 52:8446-8455. (DOI:10.1021/acs.est.8b01022).

Zhang, H.; J. Wang; T-Y. Yang; B.M. Lofgren and P. Chu. 2018. Statistical relationships between biological parameters and environmental forcings in Lake Erie, 1970s–2010s. NOAA Technical Memorandum GLERL-173. (DOI:10.25923/6jgm-1×64).