CILER is GLIN’s December Site of the Month
CILER is the Great Lakes Information Network (GLIN)’s site of the month for December! GLIN Site of the Month “The GLIN December Site of the Month is the newly redesigned Cooperative Institute for Limnology and Ecosystems Research (CILER) website. CILER is...
Fall 2016 eNewsletter
In this Issue: Director’s Letter from Brad Cardinale. CILER Impacts. 2016 Summit Series. Awards. Featured Research, Lake Erie Algal Toxin Analysis in Near Real-Time, ESPniagara. Featured Research, Asian Carp food web modeling. Recent Publications. Sign up to receive CILER’s quartlerly eNews and stay informed about Great Lakes research and events.

Great Lakes Water Balance Model Highlighted in EOS
CILER Co-Author, Joe Smith, has Great Lakes Water Balance Model highlighted in EOS. Check out the EOS Research highlight to read about it. What Caused Record Water Level Rise in the Great Lakes?...