Linking Land and Lakes

Linking Land and Lakes

Travel with PBS 5,000 miles to talk to >40 Great Lakes experts (including several of our partners) on the vital role coastal wetlands play in keeping the Great Lakes healthy. Click image to watch.

Summer 2019 eNewsletter

Summer 2019 eNewsletter

In this Issue: Accepting proposals! 2020 CIGLR Programs; Asian Carp; Improving Lake Erie Water Quality; Summer Master’s Students Projects

Accepting proposals! 2020 CIGLR Programs

Accepting proposals! 2020 CIGLR Programs

CIGLR is accepting proposals from Regional Consortium members for a suite of programs that aim to build collaborative partnerships through career development opportunities, visionary science, and impactful outreach. Please visit the full program announcements for...
2019 Magazine: Ripple Effect

2019 Magazine: Ripple Effect

The 2019 issue provides research institute and regional consortium updates, discusses our program results, and introduces new staff, students and fellows. If you are interested in a print version of the magazine please contact CIGLR at: [email protected].

Student Job Opening!

Student Job Opening!

CIGLR is seeking an undergraduate or graduate student to serve as a program assistant to support NOAA’s Office of National Marine Sanctuaries in their administration of the NOAA Great Lakes Bay Watershed Education and Training (B-WET) Program. Click to apply & learn more.

Spring 2019 eNewsletter

Spring 2019 eNewsletter

In this Issue: Director’s Message; Great Lakes Summer Fellows; Outreach & Communication Feature; Social Science & HAB Reduction Efforts