About the 8th District

Although Michigan’s 8th Congressional District does not directly touch any of the Great Lakes, it still plays a role in the health of the lakes. With over 0.3 million acres of land in production, Michigan’s 8th District can utilize agricultural decision support tools...
Agricultural Decision Support

Agricultural Decision Support

When agricultural fertilizers are applied just before a heavy rainfall they can wash away into local waterways, costing farmers money and causing serious water quality problems. A collaborative effort led by the NOAA National Weather Service (NWS) has produced a decision support tool to help farmers determine the best time to apply fertilizers based on weather forecasts and soil moisture conditions. CIGLR and our partners are working with NWS to improve the accuracy of the Runoff Risk Advisory Forecast and evaluate its effectiveness for improving water quality, with the goal of providing farmers with an easy-to-implement best management practice that maximizes profit while protecting water quality. LEARN MORE