News & Announcements

We Are Hiring! Aquatic Field Research Technician
CIGLR is looking for an Aquatic Field Research Technician to join our aquatic ecology research team and work in the Great Lakes. The candidate will perform field sampling and work with instrumentation related to limnological research at the NOAA GLERL. Apply by June 12, 2022. Click image to learn more.

Spring 2022 eNewsletter
In this Issue: Director’s Corner; Winter Grab; Summit Season; Postdoc Spotlight: GLESM; Observing Lake Erie; Grad Fellow highlight: eDNA

We Are Hiring! Administrative Assistant (TEMP)
Michigan Sea Grant and CIGLR are hiring an Administrative Assistant (TEMP) to support administrative, financial, and research functions of our programs in the School for Environment and Sustainability at the University of Michigan. Apply by May 11, 2022. Click image to learn more.

We Are Hiring! Aquatic Ecology Laboratory Technician
CIGLR is hiring an Aquatic Ecology Laboratory Technician to work on aquatic ecology and harmful algal blooms (HABs) in the Great Lakes. Apply by May 14, 2022. Click image to learn more.

We Are Hiring! Biophysical Modeling Analyst
CIGLR is hiring a Biophysical Modeling Analyst to develop & evaluate experimental ecological forecasts linked to the hydrodynamic models of the Great Lakes Operational Forecast System. Apply by May 14, 2022. Click image to learn more.

We Are Hiring! Oil Spill Transport Modeling Postdoc Fellow
CIGLR is hiring an Oil Spill Transport Modeling Postdoc Fellow to conduct research on Great Lakes oil spill transport and fate. The research will utilize a state-of-art oil spill transport model, which will be forced by high-resolution hydrodynamic-ice model outputs. Apply by March 20, 2022. Click image to learn more.

We Are Hiring! Microbial Ecology Postdoctoral Fellowship
CIGLR is hiring a Microbial Ecology Postdoctoral Fellowship to develop and use cutting-edge novel methods in metagenomics & metabarcoding, such as CRISPR Cas9 to investigate uncharacterized prey-predator interactions in the lower food web in the Great Lakes. The application deadline is February 25, 2022. Click image to learn more.

We Are Hiring! Stakeholder Engagement Specialist
CIGLR is hiring a Stakeholder Engagement Specialist to engage stakeholders in the co-design of research that will lead to socially useful research products. The application deadline is January 18, 2022. Click image to learn more.

We Are Hiring! Postdoc Fellowship in HAB Dynamics & Toxins
CIGLR is hiring a Postdoctoral Fellowship in Harmful Algal Bloom Dynamics and Toxins. This position will work with principal investigators to study seasonal trends in Great Lakes HABs through the lens of short-term changes in cellular physiological traits and make predictions regarding bloom succession and dynamics. The application deadline is January 14, 2022. Click image to learn more.

Apply for the 2022 Summer Fellows Program!
CIGLR is excited to announce the opening of our 2022 Great Lakes Summer Fellow applications! The Cooperative Institute for Great Lakes Research (CIGLR) announces the 2022 Great Lakes Summer Fellows Program, in partnership with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric...