News & Announcements
Accepting proposals! 2022 CIGLR Programs
CIGLR is accepting proposals from Regional Consortium members for a suite of programs that aim to build collaborative partnerships through career development opportunities, visionary science, and impactful outreach. Please visit the full program announcements for...
Fall 2021 eNewsletter
In this Issue: Director’s Corner; Annual Magazine & Partner’s Meeting; LE Phosphorus Cycling; Microcystis Buoyancy; Pelee Island Magic Sand
2021 Magazine: Ripple Effect
The 2021 issue introduces CIGLR’s new Director, Dr. Gregory Dick, provides several research institute and regional consortium updates, discusses our program results, and introduces new staff, students and fellows. If you are interested in a print version of the magazine please contact CIGLR at: [email protected].
Introducing CIGLR’s New Director, Dr. Gregory Dick
Gregory Dick, PhD, a Professor in the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences in the College of LSA joins the School for Environment and Sustainability faculty as the 7th CIGLR Director in the 32-year history of NOAA Cooperative Institutes at the University of Michigan. Click to learn more.
We Are Hiring! Food Web Laboratory Analyst
CIGLR is hiring a Food Web Laboratory Analyst to join our research team working on food web ecology in the Great Lakes, performing field sampling and laboratory analyses related to zooplankton, larval fish and Mysis ecology. Click image to learn more.
We Are Hiring! Modeling Data Analyst
CIGLR is hiring a Modeling Data Analyst to work with the ecological and physical modeling teams at NOAA GLERL to help simulate and forecast harmful algal blooms, hypoxia, biogeochemical processes, and species interactions, among other ecological and limnological processes within the Great Lakes. Click image to learn more.
Summer 2021 eNewsletter
In this Issue: Welcome 2021 Great Lakes Summer Fellows; Spotter Buoys; Quagga Mussel Nutrient Cycling; Lake Ontario Water Levels
We Are Hiring! Postdoc, Microbial & Molecular Ecologist
CIGLR is is hiring a Microbial & Molecular Ecology Postdoc. The project will use cutting-edge methods in metagenomics & metabarcoding, eg CRISPR Cas9, to study uncharacterized prey-predator interactions of the lower Great Lakes food web. Click image to learn more.
We Are Hiring! Postdoc, Climate Modeler
CIGLR is seeking an individual to work with the climate modeling team at NOAA GLERL to improve our ability to simulate climate change and variability in the Great Lakes region. Click image to learn more.
Spring 2021 eNewsletter
In this Issue: Director’s Letter; eDNA; Lake Erie Phosphorus Release; Lake Erie HABs; Water Level Influence on Coastal Wetlands