Saginaw Bay Harmful Algal Bloom Workshop
Date: October 23, 2019
Leads: Devin Gill (CIGLR), Thomas Johengen (MI Sea Grant), Casey Godwin (CIGLR), Mark Rowe (NOAA GLERL), Hanqing Wu (UM SEAS Masters Student), Seamus Harrison (UM SEAS Masters Student), Charlie Ramsey (UM SEAS Masters Student), Adam Oest (UM SEAS Masters Student)
About: Master’s Students from the University of Michigan’s School for Environment and Sustainability supported development of a needs assessment workshop for public water systems that draw water from Saginaw Bay to discuss knowledge, perceptions, and impacts to decision-making related to HABs. Recommendations were made for the development of a Saginaw Bay HAB forecast.
Funding: This workshop was supported by the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative and the University of Michigan’s School for Environment and Sustainability.
- Due to COVID-related restrictions, further details will be forthcoming.
- Agenda
- A review of Saginaw Bay Water Quality and Harmful Algal Bloom Monitoring, Tom Johengen [Presentation]
- Development of an Experimental Harmful Algal Bloom Forecast for Saginaw Bay, Mark Rowe [Presentation]
Photo Gallery
University of Michigan master’s students. (L-R) Hanqing Wu, Seamus Harrison, Charlie Ramsey, and Adam Oest. Photo Credit: Aubrey Lashaway.