Kevin Meyer
Past Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Curriculum Vitae
In the News:
- Virus infection may be linked to Toledo water crisis, study shows, Science Daily, 5/31/2017
- Lake Erie Algal Toxin Analysis in Near Real-Time, CIGLR Fall 2016 eNews, 11/29/2016
Photo Gallery
CIGLR Postdoctoral Fellow Kevin Meyer presents his poster titled: Developing a user-driven Great Lakes genomics graph database for collaborative data query and hypothesis. Photo Credit: Michele Wensman.
2016 Diel HABS sampling event, and involved (L) SNRE MS student Tonghui Ming, (R) CILER post-doc Kevin Meyer, and CILER research staff. They are collecting water samples in Lake Erie to study the diurnal migration of Microcystis within the water column. Photo Credit: NOAA GLERL
2016 Diel HABS sampling event. CILER post-doc Kevin Meyer is collecting water samples in Lake Erie to study the diurnal migration of Microcystis within the water column. Photo Credit: NOAA GLERL
2016 Diel HABS sampling event, and involved (L) SNRE MS student Tonghui Ming, (R) CILER post-doc Kevin Meyer, and CILER research staff. They are collecting water samples in Lake Erie to study the diurnal migration of Microcystis within the water column. Photo Credit: NOAA GLERL
Dr. Meyer joined the Cooperative Institute for Great Lakes Research in 2015 as a Postdoctoral Fellow working with Dr. Greg Dick at the University of Michigan and Dr. Tim Davis at NOAA GLERL. He received his B.S. in Marine Science-Biology, with a minor in Chemistry, from the University of Tampa in 2006. After which, he spent a year as a Fisheries Observer in the NOAA: National Marine Fisheries Service Northeast Fisheries Observer Program. He then went to graduate school at the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science’s Horn Point Laboratory where he studied the “Red tide” dinoflagellate Karenia brevis in the Gulf of Mexico. Dr. Meyer studied Karenia brevis bloom dynamics and microbial interactions within the blooms using a combination of ecological and bioinformatics tools. He also was trained in the identification of harmful marine (and freshwater) microalgae by the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO and participated in the Center for Microbial Oceanography: Research and Education (C-MORE) Microbial Oceanography: Genomes to Biomes course to further expand his HABs and microbial oceanography expertise. As a part of CIGLR, Dr. Meyer studied freshwater HABs (mostly cyanobacteria) in the Great Lakes using a variety of genetic and bioinformatic tools. His research interests and goals were to better understand the drivers of bloom formation, termination, and toxicity so that innovative and effective management strategies can be implemented to reduce the impact of HABs on the Great Lakes and surrounding communities.
- Ph.D. in Marine Estuarine Environmental Science, University of Maryland (2013)
- B.S. in Marine Science and Biology, University of Tampa (2006)
Research Interest/Area of Expertise:
- Harmful Algal Blooms
- Aquatic Microbial Ecology
- Bioinformatics
Recent Publications:
Davenport E.J., Neudeck, M.J., Matson, P.G., Bullerjahn, G.S., Davis, T.W., Wilhelm, S.W., Denney, M.K., Krausfeldt, L.E., Stough, J.M.A., Meyer, K.A., Dick, G.J., Johengen, T.H., Lindquist, E., Tringe, S.G. and McKay, R.M.L. 2019. Metatranscriptomic Analyses of Diel Metabolic Functions During a Microcystis Bloom in Western Lake Erie (United States). Frontiers in Microbiology. (DOI:10.3389/fmicb.2019.02081). [Altmetric Score]
Driscoll, C., Meyer, K.A., Šulčius, S., Brown, N., Dick, G., Cao, H., Gasiunas, G., Timinskas, A., Yin, Y., Landry, Z., Otten, T., Davis, T., Watson, S. and Dreher, T. 2018. A closely-related clade of globally distributed bloom-forming cyanobacteria within the Nostocales. Harmful Algae. (DOI:10.1016/j.hal.2018.05.009). [Altmetric Score]
Fertig, B., T.J.B. Carruthers, W.C. Dennison, K.A. Meyer and M.R. Williams. 2014. Isotopic values in oysters indicate elemental sources constrained by multiple gradients. Ecological Indicators. (DOI:10.1016/j.ecolind.2014.06.004)
Recent Presentations:
More to come…