Previous Awards

Congratulations to our 2023 award recipients!

Research Excellence:
Ashley Burtner
Science for Society:
Songzhi Liu
Kelly McCabe

2023 Award Finalists:

Research Excellence Award:
    • Ashley Burtner, Research Lab Specialist Intermediate – Recipient
    • David Cannon, Postdoctoral Research Fellow – Runner-up
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Justice Award:
    •  Christine Kitchens, Research Lab Specialist Intermediate – Recipient
Science for Society Award
    • Songzhi Liu, Gen Programmer/Analyst Lead, NOAA CoastWatch Great Lakes Node Ops Manager – Recipient
    • Megan DiCocco, Research Engagement Specialist – Runner-up
Community Award
    • Kelly McCabe, Biogeochemistry Laboratory Analyst – Recipient