Past Engagement Workshops & Events
Water Level Modeling & Prediction
Ice Forecasting
- Winter 2021: Workshops to Evaluate the Short-Term Great Lakes Ice Forecast
More information to come…
- Summer 2020: Experimental Great Lakes Ice Forecast Interview Study
GLISA and CIGLR partnered to interview stakeholders within the Great Lakes Navigation and Transportation industry to gain a deeper understanding of their decision-support needs during winter navigation. Results informed recommendations for the development of a short-term Great Lakes Ice Forecast.
- July 11th, 2019: Experimental Great Lakes Ice Forecast Workshop
Members of the Lake Carriers’ Association, U.S. Coast Guard, and NOAA discuss the ice information needs of the transportation/navigation industry, and how to develop a Great Lakes ice forecast that meets those needs.
Harmful Algal Blooms
- This spring, 2024, the CIGLR Research Engagement Team is analyzing the usability & functionality of GLERL/CIGLR decision support tools and monitoring data for harmful algal blooms. If you use these tools and data, or you are interested in helping us improve them, we would love to talk with you! Please reach out to Megan DiCocco ([email protected]) or Aubrey Arnt ([email protected]) to get involved!
How you can help:
- Discuss your data needs & usability opinions with our team via a semi-structured interview or informal conversation (virtually or in-person)
- Participate in a usability test of our websites facilitated by the CIGLR Engagement Team
- Provide feedback or thoughts to our team via email
- Are you interested in Saginaw Bay water quality? A team of researchers and modelers from NOAA’s Great Lakes Environmental Research Lab (GLERL) and the Cooperative Institute for Great Lakes Research (CIGLR) are considering the development of contemporary modeling in Saginaw Bay to link nutrient inputs to ecosystem variables and water quality. Such modeling can support adaptive management for the bay and Lake Huron. To help guide the direction this modeling might take, the CIGLR Research Engagement Team wants to understand your needs related to nutrient information, ecological indicators, data, and modeling for management & decision support in Saginaw Bay.
This spring, 2024, you can share your Saginaw Bay needs and opinions by taking a survey or scheduling an informal interview with our team! Email Megan DiCocco ([email protected]) to learn more!
- Summer 2021: Focus Groups to Evaluate the Usability of CIGLR/GLERL HAB Research Products
More information to come…
- Spring 2021: Interview Study to Assess HAB Toxin Decision-Support Needs for Water Quality Professionals
More information to come…
- March 18th, 2020: HAB Monitoring in Michigan Waters Partner Meeting
In response to feedback received from the 2019 Saginaw Bay Harmful Algal Bloom Workshop, a meeting was convened to increase coordination among organizations that monitor water quality in Saginaw Bay. This work continues into 2021 as partners identify monitoring priorities and opportunities for resource sharing.
- October 23rd, 2019: Saginaw Bay Harmful Algal Bloom Workshop
Master’s Students from the University of Michigan’s School for Environment and Sustainability supported development of a needs assessment workshop for public water systems that draw water from Saginaw Bay to discuss knowledge, perceptions, and impacts to decision-making related to HABs. Recommendations were made for the development of a Saginaw Bay HAB forecast.
- March 28th, 2019: Saginaw Bay HAB Forecast Needs Assessment
Community members in the Saginaw Bay region discussed knowledge, perceptions, and impacts to decision-making related to HABs in Saginaw Bay. Recommendations were made for the development of a Saginaw Bay HAB forecast.
Community members were invited to participate in focus groups to pilot a survey designed to assess public preference for regulatory approaches to managing harmful algal blooms in Lake Erie.
- Winter/Spring 2017: HAB Tracker Focus Groups
Members of the recreational fishing community were invited to participate in focus groups to discuss their knowledge, perceptions, and information needs related to HABs in Lake Erie. Recommendations were provided for the development of the HAB Tracker forecast.
- Winter 2021: Focus Groups to Evaluate the Usability of the Experimental Lake Erie Hypoxia Forecast
More information to come…
- June 26, 2018: Experimental Hypoxia Forecast Annual Stakeholder Meeting
All interested stakeholders and partners were invited to receive an update on the development of the hypoxia forecast, the webpage designed as its user interface, and the results of the focus group study.
- Spring 2018: Experimental Hypoxia Forecast Focus Groups
Public water systems in Ohio and Ontario were invited to participate in a focus group to discuss their knowledge, perceptions, and information needs related to hypoxia in Lake Erie. Recommendations were provided for the development of a hypoxia forecast.