Outreach & Communications

Connecting with communities to create a culture of stewardship.

The days of science remaining in the boundaries of a university campus are something of the past. Not only has research become more collaborative and global, but the relationship between scientists and the public has become extremely important. For this reason, CIGLR has committed to expand our science outreach and communications efforts by sharing the value, importance, and usefulness of NOAA’s Great Lakes research to the public at local, state, and regional levels. We work with our Consortium Partners, the NOAA Great Lakes Regional Collaboration Team, and the NOAA Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory to expand our outreach efforts across the Great Lakes basin.

Stay up-to-date on the most recent news and media generated from our outreach and communications team here:

Communications Specialist:
Aubrey Lashaway

Research Themes


CIGLR Outreach
Outreach & Communications Photo Gallery