03/04/25: Christiane Jablonowski
NOAA Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory 4840 S State Rd, Ann Arbor, MI, United StatesGreat Lakes Seminar Series
Great Lakes Seminar Series
Great Lakes Seminar Series
Great Lakes Seminar Series
Great Lakes Seminar Series
Great Lakes Seminar Series
Great Lakes Seminar Series
Great Lakes Seminar Series
Great Lakes Seminar Series
Great Lakes Seminar Series
Great Lakes Seminar Series
Great Lakes Seminar Series
Great Lakes Seminar Series
Great Lakes Seminar Series
Great Lakes Seminar Series
Great Lakes Seminar Series
Virtual Great Lakes Seminar Series, Title: Flying Slime: Lakes, Aerosols, and Harmful Algal Blooms
Virtual Great Lakes Seminar Series, Title: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Equitable Urban Climate Change Adaptation in the Great Lakes
Virtual Great Lakes Seminar Series, Title: TBA
Virtual Great Lakes Seminar Series, Title: TBA
Virtual Great Lakes Seminar Series, Title: The Harmful Algal Bloom Assessment of Lake Okeechobee (HALO): Innovative monitoring technologies providing multidisciplinary insights into HAB dynamics and internal nutrient loading
Virtual Great Lakes Seminar Series, Title: Self-Driving Water Systems
Virtual Great Lakes Seminar Series, Title: Building the environmental science toolbox to address the complexity of exposures and effects of emerging contaminants
Virtual Great Lakes Seminar Series, Title: Life under ice: The rise and fall of Lake Erie’s winter algal bloom
Virtual Great Lakes Seminar Series, Title: Nitrogen availability as a driver of HABs and toxins: the missing piece for modeling?
Virtual Great Lakes Seminar Series, Title: Economic Value of Selected Wetlands in the United States
Virtual Great Lakes Seminar Series, Title: Characterizing benthic habitats using remotely-sensed bathymetry and reflectance in high-priority areas of the Great Lakes
Virtual Great Lakes Seminar Series, Title: TBD
Virtual Great Lakes Seminar Series, Title: Building a Smart Lake Erie
Virtual Great Lakes Seminar Series, Title: New Insights and Future Direction in Great Lakes Food Web Research
Great Lakes Seminar Series, Title: TBD
Will be rescheduled; Date TBD: "Great Lakes Seminar Series, Title: Life under ice: The rise and fall of Lake Erie’s winter algal bloom"
Great Lakes Seminar Series, Title: Linking microbial communities and biogeochemistry across the Laurentian Great Lakes
Great Lakes Seminar Series, Title: Towards Heterogeneous Process, Scale, and Model Coupling in Simulating the Hydrodynamics of the Coastal Ocean
Great Lakes Seminar Series, Title: What does it really mean for a lake to "turn over"? Radiatively driven convection in a deep lake.
Great Lakes Seminar Series, Title: “Implications of Changes in Water Clarity for Lake Ecosystem...
Great Lakes Seminar Series,
Title: Modeling the Canopy Effect in the Great Lakes Cladophora Model v3
Great Lakes Seminar Series, Title: Great Lakes Water Tension in the 21st Century
Great Lakes Seminar Series, Title: Understanding Marine and Aquatic Community Responses in Species Composition, Diversity, and Population Genetics: Targeted Metagenomics from eDNA and Plankton Samples
Great Lakes Seminar Series, Title: Recent changes in Lake Michigan’s lower food web
Great Lakes Seminar Series, Title: Ecological stoichiometry of aquatic microbes: from water quality to sustainable energy production
Macrosystems ecology: Developing a macroscale understanding of ecosystem properties
Improved Statistical Postprocessing of Precipitation for the NWS Forecasts and Hydrologic Applications
Ten years of the Great Lakes Evaporation Network: Progress Made and Opportunities for the Future
Seeing the invisible in coastal waters: imaging systems for ecological monitor and forecasts
Ecological responses to water diversion of the eastern route of the South-to-North Water Diversion Project (SNWDP) of China
Ocean Observing and Modeling Technology to Enable Operational Forecasting
Finding and Tracking the “Goldilocks Zone” for Carbon Cycling in a Great Lakes Watershed
Lake Superior: A warming ecosystem
Lake Erie HABs and current research efforts: bloom behavior, producing safe drinking water, public health impacts, and nutrient load reduction
Looking at Lake Erie Hypoxia From a Different Point of View
Spatio-temporal Variability in Great Lakes Biogeochemistry
Nitrogen cycling in eutrophic systems: Case studies in Lakes Erie and Taihu
Delivering Impactful Coastal Science Services to Strengthen Communities
High-resolution Dynamically Downscaled Climate Projections for the Great Lakes Region
Cyanobacteria Assessment Network (CyAN) for freshwater systems: an early warning indicator for toxic and nuisance blooms using ocean color satellites
Internal tides and waves in the global ocean
CILER and GLERL’s alliance studying the Great Lakes: Where have we been, and where to from here?
GLISA and the Great Lakes Adaptation Data Suite: Climate Data Focused on Adaptation Decision-Making
Using a multi-tiered approach to investigate the Asian carp invasion in the Mississippi River
Potential forcing variables that drive coastal dune evolution along the eastern shore of Lake Michigan: Does hemispheric ENSO Cycling also play a role?
Great Lakes Aquatic Habitat Framework: A spatial framework, database and tools to meet the needs of Great Lakes management and research
Improving Climate Information for Operational Lake Level Forecasting
Monitoring and modeling the water budget and water levels of Earth’s largest lake system
Do we have the tools and the smarts to quantify near shore conditions in Lake Michigan?
Evaluating the Ecological State of Restored Streams in Urban Watersheds